Synonyms for case history
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of case history
- noun record of what happened
- I thought I was trying to get your own case history out of you, that's all.
- Extract from : « Breaking Point » by James E. Gunn
- And perhaps it meant nothing more to Joan than the final clinical note in a case history.
- Extract from : « One-Shot » by James Benjamin Blish
- He could have found that out by checking her case history—if Handicap Haven had one on file.
- Extract from : « Accidental Flight » by Floyd L. Wallace
- The case history places the wound in the right thigh, and the posterior surface of the leg lay next to the photographic plate.
- Extract from : « Gunshot Roentgenograms » by Clyde S. Ford
- What the case history of the Greeley Expedition proves is that in the determining number of men, the potential is sound.
- Extract from : « The Armed Forces Officer » by U. S. Department of Defense
Words or expressions associated with your search
- add bells and whistles
- airtight case
- anarchist
- ancient history
- basket case
- basket-case
- basketcase
- be case
- be on case
- be on one case
- be on one's case
- be on ones case
- be one case
- be one's case
- be ones case
- be the case
- bells and whistles
- blow the whistle
- blow whistle on
- bookcase
- briefcase
- briefcase computer
- carcase
- carcases
- carcass/carcase
- case-harden
- case-hardened
- case history
- case in point
- case law
- case of emergency
- case of need
- case of nerves
- case out
- case point
- case reflections on
- caseation
- casehardened
- casehardening
- casehardenings
- casehardens
- casement
- cases
- cases out
- casework
- catechistic
- celebrated case
- early history
- encase
- encased
- euphistic
- extreme case
- family history
- federal case
- gat off someones case
- get off someone's case
- gets off someone's case
- gets someone case
- getting off someone's case
- had a case
- had case
- haddest a case
- haddest case
- hadst a case
- hadst case
- hard case
- has a case
- has case
- hast a case
- hast case
- hath a case
- have a case
- historic
- historical
- historical fiction
- history
- histrionic
- histrionic art
- in a few cases
- in any case
- in case
- in case that
- in the case that
- jump on one case
- jump on one's case
- jump on ones case
- jump one case
- jump ones case
- jumped one case
- jumping on ones case
- jumping one's case
- jumping ones case
- jumps case
- jumps on one case
- jumps on one's case
- jumps one case
- jumps ones case
- lexicographist
- life history
- make federal case
- mental case
- Mephistopheles
- narrative history
- natural historian
- natural history
- nothing to do with the case
- nut case
- nutcase
- on the case
- open and shut case
- open-and-shut case
- open-and-shut cases
- oral history
- paleohistory
- performance history
- personal history
- prehistoric
- prehistory
- protohistory
- prove a case
- researchist
- slick as whistle
- smearcase
- sophisticate
- sophisticated
- sophistication
- sophistry
- suitcase
- telepathist
- typical case
- unhistoric
- unhistorical
- unsophisticated
- vanity case
- was case
- was on case
- was on one case
- was on ones case
- was one case
- was one's case
- was ones case
- wet whistle
- whistle
- whistle-blower
- whistle for
- whistle-stopper
- with bells and whistles
- work history
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