Synonyms for ancient history
Grammar : Noun |
Top 10 synonyms for ancient history
Définition of ancient history
- noun ancient times
- So we may read 'between the lines' ancient history and philosophy into modern, and modern into ancient.
- Extract from : « Laws » by Plato
- It is not ancient history yet, and therein lies its great value to us.
- Extract from : « Three Addresses to Girls at School » by James Maurice Wilson
- That was a day in my life truly, but it was ancient history when my story begins.
- Extract from : « Sir Ludar » by Talbot Baines Reed
- No such cast remains of any other personage in ancient history.
- Extract from : « The American Journal of Archaeology, 1893-1 » by Various
- All this is ancient history which after all has long concerned only you.
- Extract from : « The Light of Scarthey » by Egerton Castle
- "It's ancient history," said another, guessing that it referred to a former war.
- Extract from : « War and Peace » by Leo Tolstoy
- What revelations as to the ancient history of Mexico might be contained in this cave!
- Extract from : « Adventures of a Young Naturalist » by Lucien Biart
- After his death his accusers were despised, as you will read in ancient history some day.
- Extract from : « The Royal Picture Alphabet » by Luke Limner
- But what has this ancient history to do with us in the twentieth century?
- Extract from : « Preventable Diseases » by Woods Hutchinson
- The ancient history of that part of America, too, is written in that language.
- Extract from : « The Writings of Thomas Jefferson » by Thomas Jefferson
Words or expressions associated with your search
- add bells and whistles
- advancing market
- advancing years
- advancings
- affiancing
- affiancings
- anarchist
- ancient
- ancient history
- ancillary
- balancing
- balancing book
- balancing books
- balancing the book
- balancing the books
- balancings
- bells and whistles
- blow the whistle
- blow whistle on
- buoyancies
- case history
- catechistic
- chanciness
- dancing
- dancing around an issue
- dancing around issue
- deficit financing
- early history
- emancipate
- emancipation
- emancipator
- enhancing
- enhancings
- entrancing
- entrancingly
- euphistic
- family history
- fancied
- fancier
- fancies
- fanciful
- fanciful tale
- fancifulness
- fanciness
- financial
- financial affairs
- financial aid
- financial-backing
- financial backing
- financial control
- financial executive
- financial expert
- financial magnate
- financial means conditional
- financial penalty
- financial resources
- financial status
- financial support
- financially stable
- financier
- financing
- glancing
- historic
- historical
- historical fiction
- history
- histrionic
- histrionic art
- in compliancies
- in fancies
- in significancies
- lancinating
- lancination
- lexicographist
- life history
- manciple
- Mephistopheles
- most ancient
- nancied
- nancies
- narrative history
- natural historian
- natural history
- oral history
- out balancing
- paleohistory
- penancing
- performance history
- personal history
- prehistoric
- prehistory
- protohistory
- rancid
- researchist
- romancing
- slick as whistle
- sophisticate
- sophisticated
- sophistication
- sophistry
- tap dancing
- telepathist
- toe dancing
- unhistoric
- unhistorical
- unsophisticated
- wet whistle
- whistle
- whistle-blower
- whistle for
- whistle-stopper
- with bells and whistles
- work history
Most wanted synonyms
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