Synonyms for free enterprise
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of free enterprise
- noun free trade
- Well, I say we must free enterprise so that together we can save America.
- Extract from : « Complete State of the Union Addresses from 1790 to 2006 » by Various
- What about all those bull sessions we had reading and rereading the George Staker philosophy of free enterprise?
- Extract from : « The Black Tide » by Arthur G. Stangland
- It encourages the competition that keeps our free enterprise economy vigorous and expanding.
- Extract from : « State of the Union Addresses of Harry S. Truman » by Harry S. Truman
- We speak a great deal about the free enterprise economy of our country.
- Extract from : « State of the Union Addresses of Harry S. Truman » by Harry S. Truman
- Indeed, the greater part of the task must be performed by individual efforts under our system of free enterprise.
- Extract from : « State of the Union Addresses of Harry S. Truman » by Harry S. Truman
- If our free enterprise economy is to be strong and healthy, we must reinvigorate the forces of competition.
- Extract from : « State of the Union Addresses of Harry S. Truman » by Harry S. Truman
- They are eager to face the risks inherent in our system of free enterprise.
- Extract from : « State of the Union Addresses of Franklin D. Roosevelt » by Franklin D. Roosevelt
- It provides the opportunity for American free enterprise to develop on a worldwide scale.
- Extract from : « Complete State of the Union Addresses from 1790 to 2006 » by Various
- Help us to free enterprise by permitting debate and voting "yes" on our proposal for enterprise zones in America.
- Extract from : « Complete State of the Union Addresses from 1790 to 2006 » by Various
- In particular, the tariff was not merely an obstruction to free enterprise, but a source of inequality as between trade and trade.
- Extract from : « Liberalism » by L. T. Hobhouse
Words or expressions associated with your search
- absented
- absentee
- absentee ballot
- absentee vote
- absenteeism
- absentees
- academic freedom
- accented
- acknowledgmented error
- al dente
- be entertained
- be invented
- be on tenterhooks
- be presented
- be talented
- birthing center
- buy freedom of
- carefree
- carefree and untroubled
- carefreeness
- carpenter
- carpenter's square
- carpentered
- cavaliere servente
- centenary
- centennial
- centennials
- center
- center attention
- center city
- center gravity
- center of attention
- center of gravity
- center of mass
- center of operations
- center on
- center stage
- center upon
- centered
- centered on
- centerfold
- centering
- centering on
- centering upon
- centerings
- centermost
- centermosts
- centerpiece
- centers
- centers on
- city center
- clientele
- constitutional freedom
- contented
- contentedly
- contentedness
- control center
- day-care center
- day care center
- dead-center
- dead center
- dead centers
- deep freeze
- deep-freezing
- demented
- dementedly
- dementeds
- detente
- détente
- discontented
- disoriented
- dissenter
- documented
- double entendre
- double-entendre
- dysentery
- encouragemented
- entente
- entente cordiale
- enter
- enter a plea
- enter data
- enter in
- enter in to
- enter into
- enter into consideration
- enter on
- enter upon
- enterable
- enteralgia
- entered
- entered data
- entered in
- enteric
- entering
- entering in
- entering into
- enterings
- enterprise
- enterprise zone
- enterprises
- enterprising
- enterprising person
- enters data
- enters in
- entertain
- entertain idea
- entertain oneself
- entertained
- entertained idea
- entertainer
- entertaining
- entertaining family room
- entertaining idea
- entertainingly
- entertainment
- entertainment center
- entertainment industry
- entertains idea
- epicenter
- experimented
- experimenter
- fancy-free
- fancy free
- fancyfree
- fermented
- fermenter
- fomenter
- footloose and fancy-free
- Four Freedoms
- fragmented
- free
- free admission
- free and easy
- free association
- free base
- free enterprise
- free-flowing
- free-for-all
- free from
- free from strife
- free market
- free of error
- free pass
- free port
- free ride
- free seats
- free speech
- free spirit
- free thinker
- free-thinking
- free ticket
- free trade
- free-trade area
- free trade area
- free up
- free verse
- freebase
- freebie
- freedom
- freedom from fear
- freedom from want
- freedom of religion
- freedom of speech
- freedom of worship
- freedoms
- freedoms of citizens
- freelance
- freeload
- freeloader
- freely
- freeman/woman
- Freemasonry
- freestyle
- freethinker
- freethinking
- freeway
- freeze
- freeze out
- freeze to
- freeze up
- freezing
- frequenter
- garmented
- gat free
- gat off scot free
- gat off scot-free
- gat off scotfree
- gat scot-free
- gat scot free
- gat scotfree
- gender-free
- genteel
- genteelness
- germ-free
- get free
- get off scot free
- get off scot-free
- get off scotfree
- get scot free
- get scot-free
- get scotfree
- gets free
- gets off scot-free
- gets off scotfree
- gets scot free
- gets scot-free
- gets scotfree
- getting off scot free
- getting off scot-free
- getting off scotfree
- getting scot free
- getting scot-free
- getting scotfree
- go scot-free
- goal-oriented
- hard freeze
- implemented
- in dented
- in the center
- in vented
- indented
- lamented
- lamented for
- left of center
- Lenten fast
- lenten fasts
- light entertainment
- make free
- making free
- malcontented
- misrepresented
- nemine contradicente
- nerve-center
- nerve center
- object-oriented
- odor-free
- of free will
- of one free will
- of one's free will
- of one's own free will
- of ones free will
- of ones own free will
- of own free will
- off-center
- off center
- offcenter
- on tenterhooks
- one-percenters
- onepercenter
- open sentence
- oriented
- ornamented
- parented
- part unrestrained by law free trade
- pass sentence
- pass sentence on
- patented
- philanthropic enterprise
- plenteous
- political views bias-free
- presented
- prevented
- raimented
- re enter
- re-enter
- re-entered
- re entered
- re entering
- re-entering
- re-enters
- re enters
- re oriented
- re presented
- relented
- right of center
- self-centered
- self-centered person
- self-contented
- sentence
- sentence structure
- sentenced
- sententious
- set free
- shopping center
- speculative enterprise
- storm center
- talented
- talented children
- talented person
- tax-free savings account
- ten percenter
- tented
- toll-free telephone number
- tormented
- trauma center
- unfrequented
- unprecedented
- untalented
- vital center
- with a free hand
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