Synonyms for AC
Grammar : Adj, noun |
Top 10 synonyms for AC Other synonyms for the word AC
- air conditioning
- air cooling
- C/A
- central air
- central air conditioning
- charged
- climate control
- climatization
- electrifying
- electromagneticism
- exciting
- hot stuff
- ignition
- juice
- juiced
- light
- magneticism
- motor-driven
- power-driven
- rousing
- spark
- stimulating
- stirring
- tense
- tension
- thrilling
- utilities
- voltage
- voltaic
Définition of AC
- As in electric : adj energetic
- As in electric/electrical : adj charged; energetic
- As in air conditioning : noun air cooling
- As in central air conditioning : noun climate control
- As in electricity : noun energized matter, power
Antonyms for AC
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