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Synonyms for swimming hole
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of swimming hole
- noun body of water for swimming
- A little later, with Frank and Fenn, he went to the swimming hole.
- Extract from : « Frank Roscoe's Secret » by Allen Chapman
- Then, turning to Sandy he said "Will you help me row the boat up to the swimming hole?"
- Extract from : « Frank Roscoe's Secret » by Allen Chapman
- In vain does he haunt the swimming hole; the water elves will have none of him.
- Extract from : « The Court of Boyville » by William Allen White
- Reaching the swimming hole, it did not take the youths long to get into the water.
- Extract from : « The Rover Boys in Business » by Arthur M. Winfield
- The oldest men in Exham told that their grandfathers, as boys, had sought the swimming hole as the adult seeks his club.
- Extract from : « Still Jim » by Honor Willsie Morrow
- They were soon at the swimming hole, and lost little time in getting into the water.
- Extract from : « The Heroes of the School » by Allen Chapman
- By damming the stream you can make a pond for waterfowl, for trout raising, or for a swimming hole: but that is another story.
- Extract from : « The Library of Work and Play: Outdoor Work » by Mary Rogers Miller
- The same dam that holds back the water for the skating pond may serve in summer to make the swimming hole.
- Extract from : « The Library of Work and Play: Outdoor Work » by Mary Rogers Miller
- An inviting pool was noted, however, that would serve for a swimming hole, and Ben unhesitatingly dubbed this "plumb bully."
- Extract from : « Cattle-Ranch to College » by Russell Doubleday
- Roger stepped on the shelving bank, below the swimming hole, dripping water like a big Newfoundland dog.
- Extract from : « The White Crystals » by Howard R. Garis
Words or expressions associated with your search
- ace hole
- ace in hole
- ace in the hole
- ace the hole
- air hole
- air holes
- asshole
- black hole
- buttonhole
- by the whole of
- choler
- choleric
- eighteen holes
- eyehole
- foxhole
- go whole hog
- hole
- hole in one
- hole in the wall
- hole-up
- holed up
- in holes
- in holes and corners
- in the hole
- keyhole
- loophole
- made a hole
- made hole
- made whole
- make a hole
- make hole
- make whole
- makes a hole
- makes hole
- makes whole
- making a hole
- making hole
- making whole
- nine holes
- nineteenth hole
- nympholepts
- on the whole
- peephole
- pigeonhole
- porthole
- potholed
- put in a hole
- put in the hole
- putting the hole
- rathole
- shoot full of holes
- sinkhole
- swimming hole
- taken as a whole
- the whole
- the whole picture
- the whole story
- unwholesome
- watering hole
- whole
- whole ball of wax
- whole caboodle
- whole enchilada
- whole lot
- whole nine yards
- whole number
- whole shebang
- whole shooting match
- whole show
- whole slew
- whole story
- whole world
- wholehearted
- wholeness
- wholesale
- wholesale murder
- wholesome
- wholesomeness
- wormhole
- go for a swim
- go swimming
- in the swim
- swim
- swim with the tide
- swimmies
- swimming
- swimming bath
- swimming pool
- swimmingly
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