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Synonyms for small-craft advisory
Grammar : Noun |
Top 10 synonyms for small-craft advisory
Définition of small-craft advisory
- As in weather forecast : noun meteorological outlook
Words or expressions associated with your search
- abysmal
- advice
- advisability
- advisable
- advise
- advise against
- advised
- advisedly
- advisement
- adviser
- adviser/advisor
- advisers
- advises
- advising
- advising against
- advisor
- advisories
- advisors
- advisory
- advisory group
- advisory groups
- agricultural advisor
- aircraft
- aircraft base
- aircraft carrier
- aircraft piracy
- aircraft suit
- ask advice of
- bad advice
- baptismal
- baptismal name
- be advised
- cataclysmal
- chief legal advisor
- craft
- craft union
- crafts
- craftsman
- craftsmanship
- craftsmen
- craftsperson
- crafty
- crafty fellow
- crafty rascal
- cushioncraft
- dismal
- extraterrestrial spacecraft
- flarecraft
- handcrafted
- handcraftsman
- handicraft
- handicrafter
- handicraftsman
- high-level advisers
- ill-advised
- ill advised
- ill-advisedly
- illadvised
- in small doses
- inadvisability
- inadvisedly
- legal adviser
- made feel small
- made one feel small
- made small
- make feel small
- make one feel small
- make small
- makes feel small
- makes one feel small
- makes small
- making feel small
- making one feel small
- making small
- needlecraft
- needlecrafts
- on a small scale
- paroxysmal
- phantasmal
- pleasure craft
- seek advice
- small
- small amount
- small amount of money
- small change
- small-craft advisory
- small fry
- small-fry
- small hours
- small house
- small intestine
- small lake
- small memory
- small-minded
- small number
- small potatoes
- small print
- small quantity
- small role
- small-scale
- small size
- small speaking part
- small talk
- small-time
- small-town
- smallclothes
- smaller
- smallest
- smallishness
- smallness
- smallsword
- spacecraft
- spacecraft suit
- stagecraft
- statecraft
- take advice
- take under advisement
- to a smaller extent
- un advised
- was advised
- witchcraft
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