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Synonyms for small change
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of small change
- noun trifling sum
- I didn't have any small change so I handed the feller a five-dollar bill.
- Extract from : « Uncles Josh's Punkin Centre Stories » by Cal Stewart
- The Frenchman found some small change and gave twenty kopeks to each of the pilgrims.
- Extract from : « Father Sergius » by Leo Tolstoy
- They had spent the last penny of their small change; there was nothing left but gold.
- Extract from : « O Pioneers! » by Willa Cather
- But Simon MacTaggart was for once not in the mood for the small change of conversation.
- Extract from : « Doom Castle » by Neil Munro
- Our guide had supplied himself with a quantity of small change.
- Extract from : « An Ohio Woman in the Philippines » by Emily Bronson Conger
- I told people the money was for some one else who had no small change.
- Extract from : « The Criminal » by Havelock Ellis
- San Giacinto held out some small change to him to pay for the drink.
- Extract from : « Corleone » by F. Marion Crawford
- These, with some small change, he shoved beneath the lattice to Johnny.
- Extract from : « The Crimson Flash » by Roy J. Snell
- Thanks to the greed of the company, there was nothing in the purse but some small change.
- Extract from : « King Coal » by Upton Sinclair
- They are used, not only to pay postage, but as small change.
- Extract from : « Sketches of Reforms and Reformers, of Great Britain and Ireland » by Henry B. Stanton
Words or expressions associated with your search
- abysmal
- baptismal
- baptismal name
- cataclysmal
- dismal
- in small doses
- made feel small
- made one feel small
- made small
- make feel small
- make one feel small
- make small
- makes feel small
- makes one feel small
- makes small
- making feel small
- making one feel small
- making small
- on a small scale
- paroxysmal
- phantasmal
- small
- small amount
- small amount of money
- small change
- small-craft advisory
- small fry
- small-fry
- small hours
- small house
- small lake
- small memory
- small-minded
- small number
- small potatoes
- small print
- small quantity
- small role
- small-scale
- small size
- small speaking part
- small talk
- small-time
- small-town
- smallclothes
- smaller
- smallest
- smallishness
- smallness
- smallsword
- to a smaller extent
- able to be changed
- abrupt change
- American Stock Exchange
- archangel
- archangelic
- bacchanal
- bacchanalia
- bacchanalian
- bacchanalians
- bacchanalias
- bacchant
- be enchanted by
- bechance
- bill of exchange
- by any chance
- by chance
- by happy chance
- chance
- chance discovery
- chance hit
- chance in a million
- chance it
- chance on
- chance upon
- chancel
- chancel table
- chancellor
- chances
- chanciness
- chancroid
- chancy
- change
- change in direction
- change of heart
- change of mind
- change opinion
- change position
- changeable
- changeableness
- changeabout
- changed
- changeover
- changing
- channel
- channels
- chant
- chantry
- chump change
- commodities exchange
- data communication channel
- defense mechanism
- disenchant
- disenchanted
- disenchantment
- doom merchant
- effecting change
- enchant
- enchanted
- enchantedly
- enchanter
- enchanting
- enchantings
- enchantment
- enchantress
- equal exchange
- escape mechanism
- even chance
- exchange
- exchange blows
- exchange letters
- exchangeability
- fat chance
- fighting-chance
- fighting chance
- foreign exchange
- futures exchange
- gambler's chance
- gamblers chance
- gambling chance
- game chance
- game of chance
- get in exchange
- ghost of a chance
- happenchance
- happy chance
- hast change heart
- hast change of heart
- have change of heart
- in exchange for
- interchange
- interchangeability
- interchangeable
- interchangeableness
- land of enchantment
- last-chance
- last chance
- last chances
- loose change
- made change
- make change
- makes change
- making change
- matter of chance
- mechanic
- mechanical
- mechanism
- mechanized
- medium of exchange
- merchandise
- merchant
- merchant area
- mischance
- new york stock exchanges
- nice hunk of change
- no chance
- no-chance
- no chances
- no change
- no changes
- odd chance
- off chance
- off-chance
- off chances
- off-chances
- offchance
- offchances
- outside chance
- penchant
- penchanting
- perchance
- personality change
- piece of change
- policy change
- quantum-mechanics
- quantum mechanics
- radical change
- ran chance
- rechannel
- revolutionary change
- run the chance
- sea change
- slim chance
- statistical mechanics
- stock exchange
- sudden change
- take a chance
- takes a chance
- takes chance
- taking a chance
- taking chance
- telemechanics
- total change
- trenchancy
- trenchant
- unchangeableness
- unchangeably
- unchanging
- wave mechanics
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