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Synonyms for sacrifice the cross
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of sacrifice the cross
- As in crucifixion, Crucifixion : noun the death of jesus or the artistic representation of his death
Words or expressions associated with your search
- across
- across board
- across the board
- across-the-board
- across the counter
- across the sea
- across the street
- acrostic
- at cross-purposes
- be at cross purposes
- be cross
- came across
- come across
- come across with
- crisscross
- cross
- cross-check
- cross-dresser
- cross-examination
- cross-examine
- cross-grained
- cross heart
- cross out
- cross-purposes
- cross-stitch
- cross swords
- cross the bridge
- cross the Rubicon
- crossbar
- crossbow
- crosscut
- crossed
- crossing
- crossness
- crosspiece
- crossroad
- crossroads
- crosswise
- cut across
- day-crosser
- double cross
- double-cross
- double-crosser
- get across
- get signals crossed
- Holy Sacrament
- intercross
- jab and cross
- jump across
- jumps across
- keep fingers crossed
- keeping fingers crossed
- keeps fingers crossed
- kept fingers crossed
- leave a crossroads
- macroscopic
- macroseism
- massacre
- microscopic
- microsecond
- microseism
- microsleep
- nail to a cross
- nail to cross
- necrosises
- nonsacred
- out crosses
- put under a microscope
- rest across
- run across
- sacra
- sacrament
- sacrament of the sick
- sacramental
- sacramental offering
- sacrarium
- sacred
- sacred cow
- sacred place
- sacred word
- sacred writ
- sacred writings
- sacred writs
- sacredness
- sacrifice
- sacrifice cross
- sacrifice hit
- sacrifice on cross
- sacrifice on the cross
- sacrifice the cross
- sacrificed
- sacrifices
- sacrificial
- sacrificial lamb
- sacrificing
- sacrilege
- sacrileged
- sacrileging
- sacrilegious
- sacrosanct
- sacrosanctity
- sacrum
- self-sacrifice
- self-sacrificing
- skull and crossbones
- stamp across
- star-crossed
- sucrose
- the Sacrament
- too sacred for words
- was at cross purposes
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