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Synonyms for reprogrammed

Grammar : Adj
Spell : proh-gram, -gruh m
Phonetic Transcription : ˈproʊ græm, -grəm

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Définition of reprogrammed

Origin :
  • 1630s, "public notice," from Late Latin programma "proclamation, edict," from Greek programma "a written public notice," from stem of prographein "to write publicly," from pro- "forth" (see pro-) + graphein "to write" (see -graphy).
  • General sense of "a definite plan or scheme" is recorded from 1837. Meaning "list of pieces at a concert, playbill" first recorded 1805 and retains the original sense. That of "objects or events suggested by music" is from 1854. Sense of "broadcasting presentation" is from 1923. Computer sense (noun and verb) is from 1945. Spelling programme, established in Britain, is from French in modern use and began to be used early 19c., originally especially in the "playbill" sense. Program music attested from 1877.
  • As in changed : adj altered

Antonyms for reprogrammed

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