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Synonyms for conditioned
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : kuhn-dish-uhnd |
Phonetic Transcription : kənˈdɪʃ ənd |
Définition of conditioned
Origin :- early 14c., condicioun, from Old French condicion "stipulation, state, behavior, social status" (12c., Modern French condition), from Latin condicionem (nominative condicio) "agreement, situation," from condicere "to speak with, talk together," from com- "together" (see com-) + dicere "to speak" (see diction). Evolution of meaning through "stipulation, condition," to "situation, mode of being."
- adj trained
- They were conditioned by the supply of free land, or land that was practically free.
- Extract from : « The Age of Invention » by Holland Thompson
- They were conditioned to make it impossible for them to leave their job untended.
- Extract from : « Old Rambling House » by Frank Patrick Herbert
- It had been conditioned to scare easily, where blueskins might be involved.
- Extract from : « Pariah Planet » by Murray Leinster
- If you have conditioned yourself this far, then you can go to the next step.
- Extract from : « A Practical Guide to Self-Hypnosis » by Melvin Powers
- A subject calls my office, requesting to be conditioned for self-hypnosis.
- Extract from : « A Practical Guide to Self-Hypnosis » by Melvin Powers
- The right of suffrage was then conditioned upon the ownership of land.
- Extract from : « The Journal of Negro History, Volume 6, 1921 » by Various
- Admission was conditioned, however, on the utterance of a password at the door.
- Extract from : « Unwritten Literature of Hawaii » by Nathaniel Bright Emerson
- Whether a man is conditioned high or low; in the city or on the farm: "If he will; he will."
- Extract from : « Hidden Treasures » by Harry A. Lewis
- Unconscious, of course, like me, but without it you couldn't have conditioned the field.
- Extract from : « The Galaxy Primes » by Edward Elmer Smith
- We are conditioned by the thoughts we think and by the words we speak.
- Extract from : « The Right Knock » by Helen Van-Anderson
Words or expressions associated with your search
- abscond
- absconded
- absconder
- abscondings
- abscondment
- accepted conduct
- air-condition
- air-conditioned
- air conditioner
- air conditioning
- be conditional up on
- be conditional upon
- be conditioned
- be conducive
- central air conditioning
- classical conditioning
- condemn
- condemnation
- condemnatory
- condemned
- condemning
- condensation
- condense
- condensed
- condensing
- condescending
- condign
- condition
- conditional
- conditioned
- conditioning
- conditions
- condo
- condole
- condoler
- condom
- condominium
- condoning
- conduce
- conducive
- conduct
- conduct oneself
- conduct oneself properly
- conduction
- conductivity
- conductor
- conduit
- financial means conditional
- fraction of a second
- get second wind
- getting second wind
- Golconda
- had second thoughts
- haddest second thoughts
- hadst second thoughts
- half a second
- half a seconds
- has second thoughts
- hast second thoughts
- have second thoughts
- in a second
- in conduct
- in critical condition
- in good condition
- in its present condition
- in poor condition
- in second childhood
- in tip-top condition
- microsecond
- millisecond
- misconduct
- nanosecond
- non-conductor
- nonconductor
- nonconductors
- not under any condition
- on certain conditions
- on condition
- Pavlovian conditioning
- pavlovian-conditioning
- play second fiddle
- precondition
- proper conduct
- re-condition
- re condition
- re-conditioned
- re conditioned
- re-conditioning
- re conditioning
- re conditions
- re-conditions
- recondite
- recondition
- safe-conduct
- second
- Second Advent
- second banana
- second-banana
- second childhood
- Second City
- second-class
- Second Coming
- Second Coming of Christ
- second-fiddle
- second fiddle
- second-guesser
- second nature
- second-rate
- second rate
- second self
- second sight
- second string
- second-string
- second stringer
- second team
- second to none
- secondary
- secondary highway
- secondary role
- secondhand
- seconds store
- semiconductor chip
- sixty seconds
- soldierly conduct
- split second
- unconditionally
- water conduit
- with the condition that
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