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Synonyms for refrain from

Grammar : Verb
Spell : ri-freyn
Phonetic Transcription : rɪˈfreɪn

Top 10 synonyms for refrain from Other synonyms for the word refrain from

Définition of refrain from

Origin :
  • mid-14c., from Old French refraigner "restrain, repress, keep in check" (12c., Modern French Réfréner), from Latin refrenare "to bridle, hold in with a bit, check, curb, keep down, control," from re- "back" (see re-) + frenare "restrain, furnish with a bridle," from frenum "a bridle." Related: Refrained; refraining.
  • As in spare : verb forgive; have mercy upon
  • As in waive : verb give up; let go
  • As in beware : verb be careful
  • As in cut out : verb excise, remove
  • As in discontinue : verb prevent activity from going on

Antonyms for refrain from

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019