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Synonyms for rated
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : reyt |
Phonetic Transcription : reɪt |
Définition of rated
Origin :- "estimated value or worth," early 15c., from Old French rate "price, value" and directly from Medieval Latin rata (pars) "fixed (amount)," from Latin rata "fixed, settled," fem. past participle of reri "to reckon, think" (see reason (n.)). Meaning "degree of speed" (prop. ratio between distance and time) is attested from 1650s. Currency exchange sense first recorded 1727. First-rate, second-rate, etc. are 1640s, from British Navy division of ships into six classes based on size and strength. Phrase at any rate originally (1610s) meant "at any cost;" weakened sense of "at least" is attested by 1760.
- adj ranked
- Roughly shaking the Cossack, I woke him up, rated him, and lost my temper.
- Extract from : « A Hero of Our Time » by M. Y. Lermontov
- I thought she rated Kenelm Parker about as high as anybody these days.
- Extract from : « Thankful's Inheritance » by Joseph C. Lincoln
- A generator operates most efficiently when delivering its rated output.
- Extract from : « The Automobile Storage Battery » by O. A. Witte
- The style and literary ability of John Blacman must be rated very low.
- Extract from : « Henry the Sixth » by John Blacman
- The preceptorial work is rated at more than half of the entire work of the term.
- Extract from : « College Teaching » by Paul Klapper
- Mrs. Vint rated him soundly for keeping all this secret so long.
- Extract from : « The Atlantic Monthly, Volume 18, No. 105, July 1866 » by Various
- As an acolyte, after all, he rated just barely above a layman; he had no powers whatever.
- Extract from : « Pagan Passions » by Gordon Randall Garrett
- At the end of the performance he sent for the leader of the claque and rated him soundly.
- Extract from : « Artists' Wives » by Alphonse Daudet
- On this I was rated as purser at twenty-five cents for the trip.
- Extract from : « A Labrador Doctor » by Wilfred Thomason Grenfell
- He stormed and rated like an absolute monarch, and an absolute monarch he soon became.
- Extract from : « History of the Moravian Church » by J. E. Hutton
Words or expressions associated with your search
- a separate
- aberrate
- accelerate
- accelerated
- accelerates
- acculturate
- acculturated
- accurate
- accurate knowledge
- accurately
- accurateness
- acerate
- adjustable-rate mortgage
- administrate
- adulterate
- adulterated
- adumbrate
- adumbrates
- aerate
- agglomerate
- agglomerated
- ameliorate
- arbitrate
- asseverate
- bank rate
- barbiturate
- baud rate
- be commensurate
- be generated
- be grateful
- be inaccurate
- be intemperate
- be rate
- be rated
- be rates
- be temperate
- berate
- berated
- calcitrate
- calcitrated
- calibrate
- calibrates
- capistrate
- carbo hydrate
- carbo-hydrate
- carbo-hydrates
- carbo hydrates
- carbohydrate
- castrate
- castrated
- celebrate
- celebrate a marriage
- celebrated
- celebrated a marriage
- celebrated case
- celebrates
- cerate
- cerates
- cerebrate
- chloral hydrate
- collaborate
- commemorate
- commemorated
- commensurate
- commensurately
- commensurateness
- commiserate
- concentrate
- concentrated
- concentrated area for shopping
- confederate
- conglomerate
- consecrate
- consecrated
- considerate
- considerately
- considerateness
- contriturate
- cooperate
- corporate headquarters
- corroborate
- corroborated
- crate
- crater
- curate
- cut-rate store
- cutting rate
- de generate
- de-generate
- de generated
- de-generated
- de-generates
- de generates
- de hydrate
- de-hydrate
- de-hydrated
- de hydrated
- de hydrates
- de-hydrates
- de-liberate
- de liberate
- de-liberated
- de-liberates
- de liberates
- decelerate
- decemvirate
- deconsecrated
- decorated
- deflorate
- deflorated
- deflorates
- degenerate
- dehydrate
- dehydrated
- dehydrated food
- deliberate
- deliberate malice
- deliberated
- deliberately
- deliberates
- demonstrate
- demonstrated
- demonstrates
- denigrate
- depurate
- desecrate
- desiderate
- desperate
- desperately
- deteriorate
- deteriorated
- directorate
- disintegrate
- disintegrated
- disparate
- doctorate
- easily operated
- edulcorate
- edulcorated
- elaborate
- elaborate explanation
- elaborate promotional event
- elaborated
- elaborateness
- elaborates
- electorate
- elucubrate
- emigrate
- enumerate
- enumerated
- enumerates
- equiponderate
- evaporated
- evaporateds
- exaggerate
- exaggerated
- exaggerated reaction
- exaggerated respect
- exasperate
- exasperated
- execrate
- exfiltrate
- exhilarate
- exhilarated
- exonerate
- extraterrestrial
- extraterrestrial spacecraft
- extraterrestrial vessel
- extraterrestrial visitor
- extraterritorial
- fall prostrate
- falling prostrate
- falls prostrate
- federate
- federated
- filtrate
- first-rate
- fraternal twin
- fraternity
- fraternization
- fraternize
- frustrate
- frustrated
- fulgurate
- generate
- generated
- generates
- go separate ways
- grate
- grateful
- gratefully
- gratefulness
- gyrate
- illiterate
- illiterateness
- illiterates
- illustrate
- illustrate with
- illustrated
- illustrated with
- illustrates
- immoderate
- immoderately
- imperforate
- impetrate
- in accurate
- in accurately
- in commensurate
- in considerate
- in considerateness
- in corporate
- in corporates
- in filtrate
- in filtrated
- in filtrates
- in grate
- in grates
- in temperate
- in vertebrates
- inaccurate
- inaccurately
- incarcerate
- incarcerated
- inconsiderate
- incorporate
- indurate
- indurated
- infiltrate
- ingenerate
- integrate
- integrated
- integrated circuit
- integrated circuitry
- intemerate
- intemperate
- intemperateness
- interlocking directorate
- invertebrate
- inveterate
- invigorate
- invigorated
- irate
- irateness
- iterate
- itinerate
- karate
- krater
- lacerate
- lending rate
- liberate
- liberated
- librate
- lucubrate
- lustrate
- macerate
- magistrate
- magistrates
- make first rate
- meliorate
- micturate
- migrate
- moderate
- moderated
- moderately
- more desperate
- more first rate
- more first-rate
- more firstrate
- most first-rate
- most first rate
- narrate
- narrated
- narrates
- non-literate
- nonliterate
- nonremunerated business expenses
- not crated
- obdurate
- obdurately
- obdurateness
- objurate
- obliterate
- obliterated
- obsecrate
- operate
- operated
- operates
- orate
- orchestrate
- orchestrated
- overrate
- overrated
- pastorate
- pejorate
- penetrate
- penetrated
- penetrates
- perforate
- perforated
- perlustrate
- perorate
- perpetrate
- perpetrated
- perseverate
- pirate
- pirate ship flag
- prate
- preponderate
- proliferate
- prorate
- prostrate
- quadrate
- quadrumvirate
- rate highly
- rate of interest
- rate too highly
- rated
- rates
- rates highly
- re calibrate
- re-calibrate
- re-calibrated
- re calibrated
- re calibrates
- re-calibrates
- re-decorate
- re-decorated
- re decorated
- re decorates
- re-decorates
- re generate
- re-generate
- re-generated
- re generated
- re generates
- re-generates
- re-integrate
- re-integrates
- re-invigorate
- re-invigorated
- re invigorated
- re invigorates
- re-invigorates
- re iterate
- re-iterate
- re-iterated
- re-iterates
- re iterates
- re migrated
- re-migrates
- recuperate
- refrigerate
- reintegrate
- reintegrated
- reiterate
- reiterated
- remigrate
- remonstrate
- reverberate
- saturate
- saturated
- second-rate
- second rate
- separate
- separated
- separately
- separateness
- serrate
- serrated
- strategic nuclear weapon
- strategy
- suppurate
- temperate
- temperately
- temperateness
- tolerate
- tolerated
- triturate
- ulcerate
- ulcerated
- un adulterated
- unadulterated
- uncelebrated
- unconcentrated
- unconsecrated
- unconsiderate
- underrate
- unexaggerated
- unregenerate
- variable-rate mortgage
- venerate
- venerated
- vibrate
- vituperate
- vociferate
- was grateful
- X-rated
- x rated
- x rated material
- X-rated material
- X-rated materials
- x rated materials
- X-rated movie
- x rated movie
- x-rated movies
- x rated movies
- xrated
- xrated material
- xrated movie
- xrated movies
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