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Synonyms for barbiturate

Grammar : Noun
Spell : bahr-bich-er-it, -uh-reyt; bahr-bi-too r-it, -eyt, -tyoo r-
Phonetic Transcription : bɑrˈbɪtʃ ər ɪt, -əˌreɪt; ˌbɑr bɪˈtʊər ɪt, -eɪt, -ˈtyʊər-

Top 10 synonyms for barbiturate Other synonyms for the word barbiturate

Définition of barbiturate

Origin :
  • 1928 (morphine barbiturate is from 1918), from German, coined 1863 by chemist Adolf von Baeyer (1835-1917) from Barbitursäure "barbituric acid," itself coined by Baeyer, perhaps from woman's name Barbara, or perhaps from Latin barbata, in Medieval Latin usnea barbata, literally "bearded moss." Second element is because it was obtained from uric acid. With chemical ending -ate (3).
  • As in sedative : noun soothing agent, medicine
  • As in sleeping pill : noun pill to aid sleep

Antonyms for barbiturate

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019