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Synonyms for rail at

Grammar : Verb
Spell : reyl
Phonetic Transcription : reɪl

Top 10 synonyms for rail at Other synonyms for the word rail at

Définition of rail at

Origin :
  • "horizontal bar passing from one post or support to another," c.1300, from Old French reille "bolt, bar," from Vulgar Latin *regla, from Latin regula "straight stick," diminutive form related to regere "to straighten, guide" (see regal). Used figuratively for thinness from 1872. To be off the rails in a figurative sense is from 1848, an image from the railroads. In U.S. use, "A piece of timber, cleft, hewed, or sawed, inserted in upright posts for fencing" [Webster, 1830].
  • As in rage : verb be angry
  • As in ridicule : verb make contemptuous fun of something or someone
  • As in berate : verb criticize hatefully
  • As in blast : verb lambaste; defeat mentally
  • As in twit : verb ridicule

Antonyms for rail at

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019