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Synonyms for fly off the handle

Grammar : Verb
Spell : han-dl
Phonetic Transcription : ˈhæn dl

Top 10 synonyms for fly off the handle Other synonyms for the word fly off the handle

Définition of fly off the handle

Origin :
  • Old English handle, formed from hand (n.) with instrumental suffix -le indicating a tool in the way thimble was formed from thumb. The slang sense of "nickname" is first recorded 1870, originally U.S., from earlier expressions about adding a handle to (one's) name, i.e. a title such as Mister or Sir, attested from 1833. To fly off the handle (1833) is a figurative reference to an ax head (to be off the handle "be excited" is recorded from 1825, American English). To get a handle on "get control of" is first recorded 1972.
  • As in rage : verb be angry
  • As in snap : verb speak sharply
  • As in hit the ceiling : verb get very angry
  • As in flip out : verb lose one's cool
  • As in freak out : verb lose control
  • As in go crazy : verb become insane

Antonyms for fly off the handle

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019