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Synonyms for quaker

Grammar : Noun
Spell : kwey-ker
Phonetic Transcription : ˈkweɪ kər

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Définition of quaker

Origin :
  • 1651, said to have been applied to them in 1650 by Justice Bennett at Derby, from George Fox's admonition to his followers to "tremble at the Word of the Lord;" but the word was used earlier of foreign sects given to fits of shaking during religious fervor, and that is likely the source here. Either way, it never was an official name of the Religious Society of Friends. The word in a literal sense is attested from early 15c., an agent noun from quake (v.).
  • There is not a word in the Scripture, to put David's condition into rime and meeter: sometimes he quaked and trembled, and lay roaring all the day long, that he watered his bed with his tears: and how can you sing these conditions (but dishonour the Lord) and say all your bones quake, your flesh trembled, and that you water your bed with your tears? when you live in pride and haughtiness, and pleasure, and wantonness;" etc. ["A Brief Discovery of a threefold estate of Antichrist Now Extant in the world, etc.," an early Quaker work, London, 1653]
  • Quaker gun (1809, American English) was a log painted black and propped up to look from a distance like a cannon, so called for the sect's noted pacifism. Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, has been known as the Quaker City since at least 1824. Related: Quakerish; Quakeress ("a female Quaker"); Quakerism.
  • As in quake : noun earthquake
  • As in earthquake : noun tremor from inside the earth
Example sentences :
  • Nothing of the kind was ever seen before in the habitation of a Quaker farmer.
  • Extract from : « Biographical Stories » by Nathaniel Hawthorne
  • The Quaker trading captain regarded him for a while in silence.
  • Extract from : « Howard Pyle's Book of Pirates » by Howard Pyle
  • Do you remember the honest Quaker's answer to the man of no party?
  • Extract from : « Tales And Novels, Volume 5 (of 10) » by Maria Edgeworth
  • Returning to England, he married a Quaker lady as his second wife.
  • Extract from : « Heroes of the Telegraph » by J. Munro
  • He was a Quaker preacher, and his presence in Preston was the occasion of this disturbance.
  • Extract from : « The Shadow of a Crime » by Hall Caine
  • He had just had a "fratch" with the Quaker preachers on the subject of election.
  • Extract from : « The Shadow of a Crime » by Hall Caine
  • In the second place, he was a Quaker, and a man who liked the right sort of boys.
  • Extract from : « Herbert Hoover » by Vernon Kellogg
  • Her dress was a near approach to the Quaker garb of the followers of Penn.
  • Extract from : « Against Odds » by Lawrence L. Lynch
  • They were not all ministers and deacons aboard the Quaker City.
  • Extract from : « Mark Twain, A Biography, 1835-1910, Complete » by Albert Bigelow Paine
  • This may appropriately be followed by a Quaker meeting for worship.
  • Extract from : « Marriage Enrichment Retreats » by David Mace

Antonyms for quaker

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