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Synonyms for outjockey
Grammar : Verb |
Spell : out-jok-ee |
Phonetic Transcription : ˌaʊtˈdʒɒk i |
Top 10 synonyms for outjockey Other synonyms for the word outjockey
- baffle
- bamboozle
- beat
- best
- bewilder
- blow out of water
- bulldoze
- bury
- cap
- cheat
- circumvent
- con
- confuse
- cook
- cream
- deceive
- defeat
- defraud
- do in
- down
- dupe
- end run
- end-run
- exceed
- fake out
- figure out
- finagle
- fox
- go one better
- goose
- gull
- gyp
- have
- hoax
- hoodwink
- jip
- juke
- lead astray
- leave behind
- lick
- make a fool of
- make a monkey of
- mislead
- outdo
- outgeneral
- outguess
- outgun
- outjockey
- outrival
- outthink
- overreach
- pull a fast one
- pull a fast one on
- put one over on
- run circles around
- shake off
- shoot ahead
- snow
- swindle
- take in
- top
- transcend
- trash
- trick
- worst
Définition of outjockey
- As in outdo : verb better, overcome
- As in outwit/outsmart : verb get the better of; figure out before another
- As in outwit : verb deceive
- As in outsmart : verb outwit
- As in outthink : verb outwit
- Outbid him, outjockey him, overreach him, but never forget to make him believe he knows more of the game than you do.
- Extract from : « The Bramleighs Of Bishop's Folly » by Charles James Lever
Antonyms for outjockey
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019