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Synonyms for old saw
Grammar : Adj, noun |
Top 10 synonyms for old saw Other synonyms for the word old saw
- adage
- allegory
- antiquated
- apologue
- beat
- bestiary
- boiler
- bunk
- buzzword
- chestnut
- chronicle
- cliché
- cliffhanger
- common
- commonplace
- conte
- conventional
- corn
- crock
- drama
- dullsville
- epic
- everyday
- fable
- fabrication
- fairy story
- fairy tale
- falsehood
- familiar tune
- fantasy
- feature
- fib
- fiction
- figment
- fish story
- folktale
- gag
- high camp
- history
- hogwash
- hokey
- hokum
- information
- invention
- legend
- lie
- long and short of it
- memoir
- moth-eaten
- myth
- narration
- narrative
- news item
- nonfiction
- novel
- obsolete
- old
- old chestnut
- old saw
- old-chestnut
- old-hat
- old-saw
- one for the birds
- out-of-date
- outdated
- outmoded
- overworked
- parable
- pedestrian
- plate
- platitude
- played-out
- potboiler
- prosaicism
- prosaism
- quotidian
- recital
- record
- relation
- report
- romance
- run-of-the-mill
- saga
- saw
- scoop
- sequel
- serial
- spiel
- stale
- stereotyped
- stock
- tale
- tall story
- threadbare
- timeworn
- tragedy
- tripe
- trite
- trite phrase
- trivia
- triviality
- truism
- unoriginal
- untruth
- version
- well-worn
- white lie
- whopper
- worn-out
- yarn
Définition of old saw
- As in hackneyed : adj clichéd, tired
- As in banality : noun common saying
- As in story : noun account, news
- As in fable : noun fantasy, story
- He did not believe in the old saw about the devil being dead.
- Extract from : « The Strollers » by Frederic S. Isham
- Well, he who laughs last—you'll remember the old saw; I'll see to that.
- Extract from : « Revenge » by Arthur Porges
- As the 'old saw' has it, my dear madam, 'Man proposes, but——'
- Extract from : « Mr. Punch's Book of Love » by Various
- There is an old saw that declares it to be, like kissing, never out of season.
- Extract from : « In the West Country » by Francis A. Knight
- The first steel plow was made in 1837 from an old saw blade!
- Extract from : « The Challenge of the Country » by George Walter Fiske
- There is an old saw that he who acts as his own lawyer has a fool for a client.
- Extract from : « Defenseless America » by Hudson Maxim
- The old saw as to the songs and laws of a country may or may not be true.
- Extract from : « Shan Folk Lore Stories from the Hill and Water Country » by William C. Griggs
- Old Saw Bones just told me I could see you for five minutes–but to do 204all the talking.
- Extract from : « Aces Up » by Covington Clarke
- It is an old saw that what is too foolish to be said can be sung.
- Extract from : « The Cup of Fury » by Rupert Hughes
- This, in turn, reminds us of the old saw: "A lie has no legs."
- Extract from : « Proverb Lore » by F. Edward Hulme
Antonyms for old saw
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019