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Synonyms for bring to bear
Grammar : Verb |
Spell : bair |
Phonetic Transcription : bɛər |
Définition of bring to bear
Origin :- Old English beran "to bear, bring; bring forth, produce; to endure, sustain; to wear" (class IV strong verb; past tense bær, past participle boren), from Proto-Germanic *beranan (cf. Old Saxon beran, Old Frisian bera, Old High German beran, German gebären, Old Norse bera, Gothic bairan "to carry, bear, give birth to"), from PIE root *bher- (1) meaning both "give birth" (though only English and German strongly retain this sense, and Russian has beremennaya "pregnant") and "carry a burden, bring" (see infer).
- Ball bearings "bear" the friction. Many senses are from notion of "move onward by pressure." Old English past tense bær became Middle English bare; alternative bore began to appear c.1400, but bare remained the literary form till after 1600. Past participle distinction of borne for "carried" and born for "given birth" is from late 18c. To bear (something) in mind is from 1530s.
- verb have to do with
Words or expressions associated with your search
- ant bear
- be overbearing
- bear
- bear a grudge
- bear a grudge against
- bear arms
- bear company
- bear comparison
- bear comparison with
- bear down
- bear down on
- bear false witness
- Bear Flag State
- bear fruit
- bear heavily
- bear hug
- bear malice toward
- bear no resemblance
- bear off
- bear on
- bear one out
- bear out
- bear scrutiny
- Bear State
- bear the brunt
- bear the cost
- bear the expense
- bear the palm
- bear up against
- bear upon
- bear with
- bearable
- beard
- bearded
- beardedness
- beardless
- bearer
- bearing
- bearish
- brindle
- brindled
- brine
- bring
- bring about
- bring back
- bring charges
- bring down
- bring forward
- bring home
- bring home the bacon
- bring home the groceries
- bring home to
- bring in
- bring near
- bring off
- bring on
- bring one down
- bring out
- bring to an end
- bring to bear
- bring to fruition
- bring to light
- bring to mind
- bring to reason
- bring to screeching halt
- bring to senses
- bring to the fore
- bring together
- bring under control
- bring up
- bring up the rear
- bringing forth
- bringing in
- bringing together
- bringing up the rear
- brink
- briny
- briny deep
- bugbear
- child-bearer
- childbearing
- forbear
- forbearance
- forbearant
- forbearing
- forebear
- forebearer
- forebears
- gat bearings
- gat one bearings
- gat one's bearings
- gat ones bearings
- get bearings
- get one bearings
- get one's bearings
- get ones bearings
- gets bearings
- gets one bearings
- gets one's bearings
- gets ones bearings
- getting bearings
- getting one bearings
- getting one's bearings
- getting ones bearings
- Golden Bear State
- graybeard
- grin and bear it
- had bearing on
- haddest a bearing on
- has a bearing on
- have a bearing on
- like a bear
- made bring returns
- make bring returns
- on brink
- on the brink
- on the brink of
- one who brings home the bacon
- overbear
- overbearance
- overbearing
- pallbearer
- paternal forebear
- talebearer
- talebearing
- unbearable
- unforbearing
- upbear
- upbringing
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