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Synonyms for main course
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of main course
- As in main dish : noun entree
- The others were waiting and allowing their food to settle while waiting for the main course.
- Extract from : « L'Assommoir » by Emile Zola
- This was but an interlude, though an instructive one, in the main course of events.
- Extract from : « The Siege of Boston » by Allen French
- We should have telephoned to you to have the main course with us tonight.
- Extract from : « A Thousand Ways to Please a Husband » by Louise Bennett Weaver
- Yet they are episodes, and have little bearing on the main course of his thought.
- Extract from : « Nineteenth Century Questions » by James Freeman Clarke
- They were indeed the main course of the naval war of the rest of her reign.
- Extract from : « A Short History of the Royal Navy 1217 to 1688 » by David Hannay
- The main course of this river is from north-west to south-east.
- Extract from : « Death Valley in '49 » by William Lewis Manly
- But the main course of his narrative flowed on with the same breadth and depth of learning and the same brilliancy of expression.
- Extract from : « Memoir of John Lothrop Motley, Complete » by Oliver Wendell Holmes, Sr.
- The main course of European civilization has on the whole been from south-east to north-west.
- Extract from : « A Historical Geography of the British Colonies » by Charles Prestwood Lucas
- It is very deep; the main course of the water is North; it is fourscore yards wide in the narrowest part.
- Extract from : « The History of the City of Fredericksburg, Virginia » by S. J. (Silvanus Jackson) Quinn
- If you can speak without them and hold without stumbling to the main course of your argument, so much the better.
- Extract from : « The Making of Arguments » by J. H. Gardiner
Words or expressions associated with your search
- act of courage
- act of courtesy
- amain
- as a matter of course
- au courant
- be courteous
- bounding main
- but of course
- cause in court
- concours
- concourse
- courage
- courageous
- courageously
- courageousness
- courier
- course
- course of action
- course of events
- coursed
- courser
- courses
- coursing
- court
- court action
- court disaster
- court martial
- court of conscience
- courted
- courteous
- courteously
- courteousness
- courter
- courtesan
- courtesy
- courting
- courtship
- courtyard
- discourage
- discouraged
- discouragement
- discouraging
- discourse
- discourser
- discourteous
- discourteously
- diurnal course
- Dutch courage
- dutch-courage
- easy course
- elective course
- eminent-domain
- eminent domain
- encourage
- encouraged
- encouragement
- encouragemented
- encouragementing
- encourager
- encourages
- encouraging
- encouragingly
- family court
- final course
- food court
- get off course
- give courage
- golf course
- gut course
- had sexual intercourse
- hadst recourse to
- hadst sexual intercourse
- has recourse to
- has sexual intercourse
- hast sexual intercourse
- have recourse to
- impromptu court
- in course of
- in due course
- in the course of
- in the course of time
- in the main
- in the mainstream
- intercourse
- kangaroo court
- karmaing
- lacking courage
- last course
- law court
- lay the course
- legerdemain
- liquid courage
- lose courage
- main
- main attraction
- main body
- main comic
- main course
- main dish
- main drag
- main event
- main feature
- main features
- main house
- main idea
- main ingredient
- main item
- main line
- main-line
- main lines
- main meal
- main meals
- main memory
- main part
- main point
- main section
- main store
- Main Street
- main thing
- main things
- main vein
- mainframe
- mainland
- mainline
- mainlined
- mainlines
- mainlining
- mainly
- mainspring
- mainstay
- mainstayed
- mainstaying
- mainstays
- mainstream
- mainstreams
- maintain
- maintainable
- maintained
- maintainer
- maintaining
- maintainings
- maintains
- maintenance people
- maintenance person
- matter-of-course
- matter of course
- mock court
- muster courage
- normal course
- not discouraged
- not the main
- oblique course
- of course
- off-course
- off course
- offscourings
- offscourings of society
- on collision course
- par for the course
- pay court
- pay court to
- race course
- racecourse
- ran its course
- re course
- re-courses
- re courses
- re-main
- re main
- re-mained
- re mained
- re-maining
- re maining
- re-mains
- re mains
- recourse
- remain
- remain alive
- remain aloft
- remain firm
- remainder
- remains
- scour
- scourge
- scouring pad
- sexual intercourse
- show courtesy
- stay the course
- Supreme Court
- sweet course
- take course
- take one to court
- take to court
- takes court
- United States Supreme Court
- was courteous
- water main
- watercourse
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