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Synonyms for life preserver
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of life preserver
- noun flotation device
- "Guess we'll have to get a life preserver for you," chuckled Big-foot.
- Extract from : « The Pony Rider Boys in Texas » by Frank Gee Patchin
- Has the man with the life preserver a right to exact such a payment?
- Extract from : « Distributive Justice » by John A. (John Augustine) Ryan
- Explain why a life preserver made of cork will enable a person to float.
- Extract from : « Physics » by Willis Eugene Tower
- She steadied the wheel with her knee and tightened her life preserver.
- Extract from : « Dorothy Dixon and the Mystery Plane » by Dorothy Wayne
- Her life preserver, new and buoyant, floated her wellalmost too well.
- Extract from : « Dorothy Dixon and the Mystery Plane » by Dorothy Wayne
- Ned, stand ready with that life preserver, and see that its fast to the rope.
- Extract from : « The Motor Boys After a Fortune » by Clarence Young
- He was one of the two men who had trusted their chances to that life–preserver.
- Extract from : « Fighting the Sea » by Edward A. Rand
- A life preserver and a nailstudded bludgeon are stuck in his belt.
- Extract from : « Ulysses » by James Joyce
- Got your tackle all right, have you; and sure that life preserver is in the boat?
- Extract from : « Motor Boat Boys Among the Florida Keys » by Louis Arundel
- An electric torch was handed to him, as well as a life preserver and a whistle.
- Extract from : « Under the Chinese Dragon » by F. S. Brereton
Words or expressions associated with your search
- academic press
- after life
- after-life
- afterlife
- all natural life
- all one's natural life
- all-presence
- all presence
- all-presences
- all presences
- at present
- autumn of life
- bad press
- barometric pressure
- battle of life
- be ever present
- be expressed by
- be impressed
- be impressive
- be life of party
- be present
- be presented
- bereft of life
- big as life
- brutal suppression
- came life
- came to life
- compress
- compressed
- compressed air sickness
- compression
- convey the impression
- create the impression
- cylinder press
- de press
- de-press
- de pressed
- de-pressed
- de presses
- de-presses
- de pressing
- de-pressing
- deadpan expression
- death in life
- decompression chamber
- decompression disease
- decompression sickness
- depress
- depressant
- depressed
- depresses
- depressing
- depression
- double life
- durable press
- durable-press fabric
- economic pressure
- empress
- empressement
- end of life
- espresso
- eternal life
- evening of life
- ever-present
- express
- expressed
- expressing
- expression
- expressionless
- expressions
- expressive
- expressiveness
- expressivity
- expressly
- expressway
- fact of life
- facts of life
- false impression
- family life
- first impression
- future life
- gat wrong impression
- gave life to
- gave new life to
- get the impression
- get wrong impression
- give bad press
- give expression
- give life to
- gracious life
- graphic representation
- had impression
- had the impression
- had wrong impression
- haddest impression
- haddest the impression
- haddest wrong impression
- hadst impression
- hadst the impression
- hadst wrong impression
- half-life dating
- hard life
- hard-pressed
- has impression
- has life
- has wrong impression
- hast impression
- hast life
- hast the impression
- have life
- have the impression
- have wrong impression
- high life
- hot off press
- impresario
- impress
- impress as
- impress up on
- impress upon
- impressario
- impressed
- impressed up on
- impresses
- impresses up on
- impresses upon
- impressibility
- impressible
- impressing
- impressing up on
- impressing upon
- impressings
- impression
- impressionability
- impressionable
- impressionist
- impressionistic
- impressions
- impressive
- impressively
- impressment
- imprest
- imprest up on
- imprest upon
- in compressible
- in expressible
- in expressive
- in its present condition
- inexpressible
- inexpressive
- irrepressible
- kiss of life
- larger-than-life
- larger than life
- latter part of animate life
- lead (a life)
- lead a life
- lead life
- leading a life
- led a life
- letterpress printing plate
- life
- life-and-death
- life belt
- life everlasting
- life force
- life history
- life in fast lane
- life jacket
- life net
- life of luxury
- life of the party
- life or death
- life-or-death
- life preserver
- life raft
- life savings
- life to come
- life vest
- lifeblood
- lifeboat
- lifelessness
- lifelike
- lifeline
- lifelong
- lifesaver
- lifespan
- lifestyle
- lifetime
- lifework
- lose life
- love of my life
- low-pressure
- lowlife
- made impression
- make an impression
- make impression
- make presence felt
- make presence known
- make presentable
- makes an impression
- makes impression
- makes presence known
- making an impression
- making impression
- mid-life crisis
- misimpression
- misrepresent
- misrepresentation
- misrepresented
- national wildlife refuge
- natural life
- nature preserve
- no life
- non-representative
- non representative
- nonproliferation treaty
- nonrepresentative
- not life
- not on your life
- not present
- not your life
- omnipresence
- omnipresences
- omnipresent
- once a lifetime
- once in a lifetime
- once-in-a-lifetime
- once in lifetime
- oppress
- oppressed
- oppressing
- oppression
- oppressive
- oppressive heat
- oppressively
- oppressiveness
- oppressor
- package express
- palpable presence
- past life experience
- past-life experience
- past life experiences
- pastlife experience
- permanent press
- permanent press clothes
- permanent-press fabric
- plant life
- prescience
- prescient
- prescribe
- prescribed
- prescription
- presence
- presence of God
- presence of mind
- presenile dementia
- present
- present arms
- present-day
- presentation
- presented
- presentiment
- presently
- presentment
- preservationist
- preserve
- preserver
- preside
- preside over
- presidency
- president
- presidential mansion
- presidential palace
- presidio
- press
- press agency
- press agent
- press association
- press conference
- press corps
- press drill
- press forward
- press officer
- press on
- press proof
- pressed
- pressing
- pressure
- pressure group
- pressure suit
- pressurize
- pressurized suit
- prestige
- prestiges
- prestigious
- presto
- presumably
- presume
- presume true
- presuming
- presumption
- presumptive
- presumptuous
- presuppose
- presupposition
- proliferate
- proliferation
- proportional representation
- public press
- putting pressure on
- re present
- re presentation
- re presentations
- re presentative
- re presented
- re presenting
- re presents
- re press
- re pressed
- re presses
- re pressing
- represent
- representa
- representation
- representational
- representative
- repress
- repress feelings
- repressed
- repression
- repressive
- staff of life
- such is life
- suppress
- suppressed
- suppressio veri
- suppression
- suppressive
- take a life
- take life easy
- take one's life in one's hands
- takes a life
- takes life
- taking a life
- taking life
- the press
- true to life
- true-to-life
- U.S. President
- u s president
- u. s. president
- u s presidents
- u. s. presidents
- u.s. presidents
- unexpressed
- unexpressive
- unimpressible
- unimpressibly
- unimpressionable
- unimpressive
- universal life force
- vanity press
- vapid expression
- walk life
- walk of life
- was impressed
- was impressive
- way of life
- well-expressed
- wilderness preserve
- winter of life
- without a prescription
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