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Synonyms for prestigious

Grammar : Adj
Spell : pre-stij-uhs, -stij-ee-uhs, -stee-juhs, -stee-jee-uhs
Phonetic Transcription : prɛˈstɪdʒ əs, -ˈstɪdʒ i əs, -ˈsti dʒəs, -ˈsti dʒi əs

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Définition of prestigious

Origin :
  • 1540s, "practicing illusion or magic, deceptive," from Latin praestigious "full of tricks," from praestigiae "juggler's tricks," probably altered by dissimilation from praestrigiae, from praestringere "to blind, blindfold, dazzle," from prae "before" (see pre-) + stringere "to tie or bind" (see strain (v.)). Derogatory until 19c.; meaning "having dazzling influence" is attested from 1913 (see prestige). Related: Prestigiously; prestigiousness.
  • adj famous, influential
Example sentences :
  • He had had nothing out of them—nothing of the prestigious or the desirable things of the earth, craved for by predatory natures.
  • Extract from : « Chance » by Joseph Conrad
  • The "prestigious feat" of causing flowers to appear in winter was a common one.
  • Extract from : « A Handbook to the Works of Browning (6th ed.) » by Mrs. Sutherland Orr
  • This was the title of the cover page of the prestigious magazine, "The Economist" in its issue of 10/1/98.
  • Extract from : « After the Rain » by Sam Vaknin
  • These are some of the prestigious merits of the bicycle, though many more might be added.
  • Extract from : « Hortus Vitae » by Violet Paget, AKA Vernon Lee

Antonyms for prestigious

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019