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Synonyms for in haling

Grammar : Adj, verb
Spell : in-heyl
Phonetic Transcription : ɪnˈheɪl

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Définition of in haling

Origin :
  • 1725, "to breathe in," back-formation from inhalation or else from Latin inhalare "breathe upon," from in- "upon" (see in- (2)) + halare "breathe." Related: Inhaled; inhaling. Current sense is because the word was taken as the opposite of exhale. Slang sense of "eat rapidly" is recorded from 1924. As a noun, by 1934. Related: Inhaled; inhaling.
  • As in breathing : adj respiring
  • As in ingest : verb swallow
  • As in inhale : verb breathe in
  • As in smell : verb perceive with the nose
  • As in sniff : verb breathe in
  • As in swallow : verb consume
  • As in take : verb consume
  • As in bolt : verb eat very fast
  • As in breathe : verb take air in and let out
  • As in respire : verb breathe
  • As in suck : verb extract
  • As in ingurgitate : verb gulp
  • As in sup : verb drink
  • As in tank up : verb drink
  • As in consume : verb eat, drink
  • As in devour : verb swallow, consume
  • As in drink : verb take in liquid
  • As in eat : verb consume food
  • As in gasp : verb draw breath in sharply
  • As in gulp : verb eat, drink fast

Antonyms for in haling

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019