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Synonyms for delight in

Grammar : Verb
Spell : dih-lahyt
Phonetic Transcription : dɪˈlaɪt

Top 10 synonyms for delight in Other synonyms for the word delight in

Définition of delight in

Origin :
  • c.1200, delit, from Old French delit "pleasure, delight, sexual desire," from delitier "please greatly, charm," from Latin delectare "to allure, delight, charm, please," frequentative of delicere "entice" (see delicious). Spelled delite until 16c. when it changed under influence of light, flight, etc.
  • verb take pleasure from

Antonyms for delight in

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019