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Synonyms for in discriminate
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : in-di-skrim-uh-nit |
Phonetic Transcription : ˌɪn dɪˈskrɪm ə nɪt |
Top 10 synonyms for in discriminate
- abandoned
- aberrant
- across the board
- adventitious
- all over the map
- all over the place
- all-around
- all-embracing
- all-inclusive
- all-out
- amassed
- ample
- anthologized
- any old way
- any which way
- assorted
- asymmetrical
- audacious
- big
- bird's-eye
- bits-and-pieces
- bizarre
- blanket
- blended
- blind
- blunt
- boundless
- broad
- bulk
- candid
- capacious
- careless
- casual
- catholic
- chance
- changeable
- chaotic
- clustered
- cluttered
- collected
- collective
- commodious
- complete
- comprehending
- comprising
- confused
- conglomerate
- contingent
- dappled
- debauched
- designless
- desultory
- devil-may-care
- different
- diffuse
- directionless
- disconnected
- discontinuous
- discrepant
- discrete
- dislocated
- disordered
- disorderly
- disorganized
- disparate
- dissimilar
- dissipated
- dissolute
- dissonant
- divergent
- divers
- diverse
- diversified
- diversiform
- drifting
- driftless
- dull
- easily pleased
- easy
- eccentric
- ecumenical
- empty
- encyclopedic
- endless
- exaggerated
- exhaustive
- expanded
- extended
- extensive
- extravagant
- faltering
- fanciful
- far-flung
- far-reaching
- fast
- feckless
- fickle
- fitful
- fits and starts
- flamboyant
- flighty
- floundering
- fluctuating
- fluke
- fluky
- fortuitous
- fragmentary
- frank
- free
- frivolous
- full
- fustian
- general
- generic
- global
- goalless
- good-for-nothing
- great
- haphazard
- heedless
- hefty
- helter-skelter
- heterogeneous
- hit-or-miss
- huge
- hybrid
- ignorant
- immoderate
- immoral
- imperceptive
- impertinent
- impotent
- imprecise
- imprudent
- in bulk
- in quantity
- in the mass
- inaccurate
- inattentive
- incidental
- inclusive
- incongruous
- inconsiderate
- inconsistent
- inconstant
- incontinent
- indecisive
- indiscriminate
- infinite
- infrequent
- injudicious
- inordinate
- insensitive
- intemperate
- intermittent
- irregular
- irresolute
- jarring
- jerky
- jumbled
- kaleidoscopic
- large
- large-scale
- lawless
- lax
- legion
- lengthy
- libertine
- licentious
- limitless
- long
- loose
- major
- manifold
- many
- mass
- massed
- meaningless
- melded
- messy
- mingled
- miscellaneous
- miscellaneous assorted
- mixed
- mixed up
- mongrel
- motiveless
- motley
- mottled
- muddled
- multicolor
- multicolored
- multifarious
- multiform
- multihued
- multiplex
- multitudinal
- multitudinous
- myopic
- nearsighted
- needless
- neglectful
- nonsensical
- nonuniform
- numerous
- objectless
- oblivious
- occasional
- odd
- of easy virtue
- offhand
- omnifarious
- omniform
- open
- out of order
- out-and-out
- out-of-control
- out-of-line
- out-of-step
- out-of-whack
- overall
- overdrawn
- oversexed
- overstated
- panoramic
- patchy
- perfunctory
- pervasive
- plenary
- pointless
- polychromatic
- polymorphic
- polymorphous
- populous
- prevalent
- prismatic
- profligate
- promiscuous
- protracted
- purblind
- purportless
- purposeless
- pushover
- quantitative
- radical
- rainbow
- rampant
- random
- reckless
- recurrent
- riotous
- roomy
- saturnalian
- scattered
- scopic
- scopious
- scrambled
- senseless
- separate
- several
- shaky
- shallow
- shifting
- shiftless
- sizable
- slapdash
- slipshod
- slovenly
- some
- spacious
- spasmodic
- spontaneous
- sporadic
- spot
- stray
- sudden
- sundry
- superficial
- sweeping
- taken as a whole
- thorough
- thorough-going
- thoughtless
- topsy-turvy
- total
- tumult
- ubiquitous
- unaimed
- unavailing
- unaware
- unbounded
- unbridled
- uncalled for
- uncertain
- unchaste
- unchecked
- uncombed
- uncomprehending
- unconcerned
- unconfined
- unconscious
- unconsidered
- uncontrolled
- uncoordinated
- uncritical
- uncurbed
- undirected
- undiscerning
- undisciplined
- undiscriminating
- uneven
- unexacting
- unexclusive
- unexpected
- ungoverned
- unguided
- unhampered
- unhelpful
- uninformed
- uninhibited
- universal
- unkempt
- unlike
- unlimited
- unmatched
- unmethodical
- unmindful
- unnecessary
- unobservant
- unorganized
- unperceiving
- unperceptive
- unplanned
- unpredictable
- unpremeditated
- unprofitable
- unpunctual
- unpurposed
- unqualified
- unreasoning
- unreliable
- unrestrained
- unrestricted
- unseeing
- unselective
- unsettled
- unsorted
- unsteady
- unsystematic
- unthinking
- untrained
- up and down
- vacuous
- vagrant
- varicolored
- varied
- variegated
- varietal
- variform
- various
- vast
- versicolor
- voluminous
- wall to wall
- wall-to-wall
- wandering
- wanton
- wayward
- weaving
- whole-hog
- wholesale
- wide
- wide-ranging
- widespread
- wild
- willy-nilly
- worldwide
- worthless
Définition of in discriminate
Origin :- 1640s, from in- (1) "not, opposite of" + discriminate (adj.).
- As in indiscriminate : adj random, chaotic
- As in irregular : adj random, variable
- As in miscellaneous : adj diversified, various
- As in motley : adj mixed, varied
- As in multiple/multifarious : adj diversified,
- As in assorted : adj various
- As in promiscuous : adj indiscriminately sexually active
- As in purposeless : adj useless, insignificant
- As in random : adj haphazard, chance
- As in sweeping : adj wide-ranging
- As in uncritical : adj casual, unfussy
- As in varied : adj different
- As in wholesale : adj all-inclusive
- As in blind : adj indifferent
- As in multiple : adj diversified
- As in unrestrained : adj excessive
- As in purblind : adj blind
- As in uncomprehending : adj blind
- As in unperceptive : adj blind
- As in unsystematic : adj disorderly
- As in conglomerate : adj composite
- As in different : adj miscellaneous, various
- As in disorderly : adj messy, untidy
- As in aimless : adj having no goal
- As in extensive : adj far-reaching, thorough
- As in general : adj comprehensive
- As in haphazard : adj without plan or organization
Antonyms for in discriminate
- abnormal
- alike
- alone
- arranged
- aware
- behaved
- careful
- chaste
- checked
- chosen
- circumscribed
- cold
- common
- concerned
- confined
- conforming
- conscious
- constant
- continuous
- controlled
- conventional
- cool
- correspondent
- critical
- cunning
- decided
- definite
- deliberate
- dependable
- designed
- determined
- directed
- disciplined
- discriminating
- discriminatory
- essential
- even
- exact
- exceptional
- exclusive
- extraordinary
- flat
- formal
- frigid
- fussy
- goal-oriented
- good
- harmonious
- homogeneous
- homogenous
- important
- incomplete
- individual
- insignificant
- intentional
- level
- like
- limited
- little
- lone
- manageable
- methodical
- mindful
- miniature
- moral
- motivated
- narrow
- neat
- needy
- nice
- normal
- novel
- open
- ordered
- orderly
- organized
- painstaking
- part
- partial
- particular
- planned
- pointed
- purposeful
- quick
- rare
- regular
- reliable
- resembling
- resolute
- restrained
- restricted
- retail
- revealed
- same
- seeing
- selective
- sensible
- sensitive
- separate
- sharp
- short
- sighted
- significant
- similar
- simple
- single
- singular
- slight
- small
- smooth
- specific
- standard
- steady
- straight
- superficial
- systematic
- systematized
- thought-out
- tiny
- trim
- unaccepted
- uncommon
- uncomprehensive
- uncovered
- understanding
- unfinished
- unflecked
- unified
- uniform
- unimportant
- unique
- united
- unmixed
- unusual
- unvaried
- useful
- usual
- well-behaved
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019