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Synonyms for up and down

Grammar : Adj, adv
Spell : uhp-uh n-doun
Phonetic Transcription : ˈʌp ənˈdaʊn

Top 10 synonyms for up and down Other synonyms for the word up and down

Définition of up and down

Origin :
  • earliest recorded sense is "to drive and catch (swans)," 1560, from up (adv.). Meaning "to get up, rise to one's feet" (as in up and leave) is recorded from 1643. Sense of "to move upward" is recorded from 1737. Meaning "increase" (as in up the price of oil) is attested from 1915. Cf. Old English verb uppian "to rise." Upping block is attested from 1796.
  • As in impulsive : adj tending to act without thought
  • As in irregular : adj random, variable
  • As in mercurial : adj flighty, temperamental
  • As in plumb : adj vertical
  • As in throughout : adj during the whole of
  • As in vertical : adj upright
  • As in volatile : adj explosive, changeable
  • As in wanton : adj careless
  • As in to and fro : adj back and forth
  • As in capricious : adj given to sudden behavior change
  • As in up-and-down : adj variable
  • As in supererogative : adj wanton
  • As in supererogatory : adj wanton
  • As in thoroughly : adv exhaustively
  • As in back and forth : adv backward and forward
  • As in backwards and forwards : adv in detail
  • As in exhaustively : adv thoroughly
  • As in intensively : adv completely

Antonyms for up and down

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019