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Synonyms for prevalent
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : prev-uh-luhnt |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈprɛv ə lənt |
Top 10 synonyms for prevalent Other synonyms for the word prevalent
- accustomed
- ascendant
- current
- customary
- established
- faddy
- general
- habitual
- in use
- latest
- latest word
- leading edge
- natural
- now
- ongoing
- overbearing
- paramount
- powerful
- predominant
- predominate
- preponderant
- prevailing
- rampant
- regnant
- regular
- rife
- ruling
- run-of-the-mill
- sovereign
- state-of-the-art
- stylish
- successful
- swinging
- trendy
- typic
- typical
- ubiquitous
- universal
- up-to-date
- usual
- with it
- wonted
Définition of prevalent
Origin :- early 15c., "having great power or force," from Latin praevalentem (nominative praevalens) "of superior strength; mighty," present participle of praevalere "to be more able" (see prevail). Meaning "extensively existing, in general use" is from 1650s.
- adj accepted, widespread
- adj governing, superior
- To assuage remorse, she sought to give evidence as to a prevalent sympathy.
- Extract from : « Within the Law » by Marvin Dana
- By what means has it become so prevalent among our modern metaphysicians?
- Extract from : « An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding » by David Hume
- The days of prevalent cigar-smoking and tobacco-chewing had not come.
- Extract from : « The Nation in a Nutshell » by George Makepeace Towle
- The power of Nationalities and Acts of Parliament is also a prevalent superstition.
- Extract from : « Self-Help » by Samuel Smiles
- Will the good soul be that in which disorder is prevalent, or that in which there is harmony and order?
- Extract from : « Gorgias » by Plato
- So you think I've been a bit too prevalent in your niece's neighborhood, do you?
- Extract from : « Kent Knowles: Quahaug » by Joseph C. Lincoln
- The climate is tropical, and malaria, with its fever and ague, is prevalent.
- Extract from : « The Last Voyage » by Lady (Annie Allnutt) Brassey
- Horse-stealing seems to be as prevalent in England as in this country.
- Extract from : « Prairie Farmer, Vol. 56: No. 4, January 26, 1884 » by Various
- After all was over, the prevalent opinion was that not one of them had missed.
- Extract from : « Two Arrows » by William O. Stoddard
- That on the shutters of the Perot-Morris house is the most prevalent pattern.
- Extract from : « The Colonial Architecture of Philadelphia » by Frank Cousins
Antonyms for prevalent
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019