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Synonyms for heavy cream
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of heavy cream
- As in whipping cream : noun cream with butterfat
- The glaze should be the consistency of heavy cream when used.
- Extract from : « The Potter's Craft » by Charles F. Binns
- A sufficient amount of this thickening material should be used to make a soup of the consistency of heavy cream.
- Extract from : « Woman's Institute Library of Cookery, Vol. 3 » by Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences
- When the mixture begins to thicken, whip the heavy cream and fold it in.
- Extract from : « Woman's Institute Library of Cookery, Vol. 4 » by Woman's Institute of Domestic Arts and Sciences
- There are 640 large imperial quarto pages, artistically printed on heavy cream tinted paper made expressly for this work.
- Extract from : « A Summer's Outing » by Carter H. Harrison
- In the recipes in this book, heavy cream is meant unless thin is specified.
- Extract from : « The Laurel Health Cookery » by Evora Bucknum Perkins
- With sugar and heavy cream my grandfather used to think tomatoes were more delicious than peaches and cream.
- Extract from : « The Laurel Health Cookery » by Evora Bucknum Perkins
- Whip – cup of heavy cream, chop into it the beaten yolk of an egg, add salt and lemon juice to taste.
- Extract from : « The Laurel Health Cookery » by Evora Bucknum Perkins
- Thin cream whipped with a whip churn is lighter and less expensive than heavy cream beaten.
- Extract from : « Better Meals for Less Money » by Mary Green
- Add whites of eggs beaten until stiff and heavy cream beaten until stiff; freeze and mold.
- Extract from : « Stevenson Memorial Cook Book » by Various
- The formula is an announcement engraved on a sheet of heavy cream paper folded in two.
- Extract from : « The Complete Bachelor » by Walter Germain
Words or expressions associated with your search
- acreage
- all over creation
- be created
- be heavy
- be in hog heaven
- bear heavily
- blue heaven
- brute creation
- carried a heavy load
- carried heavy load
- carries a heavy load
- carries heavy load
- carry a heavy load
- carrying a heavy load
- carrying heavy load
- cold cream
- creaking
- creaky
- cream
- cream of society
- cream puff
- creamery
- crease
- create
- create the impression
- created
- creation
- creation of the brain
- creations
- creative
- creative thought
- creativity
- creator
- creature
- creature of habit
- creatures
- de-crease
- de creased
- de-creased
- de-creases
- de creases
- de-creasing
- de creasing
- decrease
- decrease by
- decrease the volume
- decrease volume
- decreased
- decreased by
- decreasing
- decreasing volume
- decreasings
- Devonshire cream
- face cream
- fail heavily
- father heaven
- Father in Heaven
- feathered creature
- gave heave ho
- get the cream
- had heavy heart
- have heavy heart
- heave
- heaven
- heaven on earth
- heavenly being
- heavenly body
- Heavenly Father
- heavenly kingdom
- heavens
- heavier
- heavily
- heaviness
- heaviness of heart
- heavy
- heavy artillery
- heavy cream
- heavy-duty
- heavy-handed
- heavy-hitter
- heavy-laden
- heavy metal
- heavy number
- heavy stuff
- heavyhearted
- heavyheartedness
- heavyset
- heavyweight
- hog heaven
- ice-cream
- ice cream
- ice cream parlor
- ice-cream parlor
- ice cream soda
- icecream parlors
- in all creation
- in crease
- in creased
- in creases
- in creasing
- in creation
- in heaven
- in seventh heaven
- increase
- increased
- increasingly
- kingdom heaven
- Kingdom of Heaven
- lettre de creance
- living creatures
- make heavy
- making heavy
- miscreant
- old heave-ho
- old heave ho
- old heave-hos
- old heaveho
- pancreas
- peaches-and-cream
- peaches and cream
- pennies from heaven
- procreation
- procreator
- re-creance
- re creance
- re creances
- re create
- re-create
- re-creation
- re creative
- recreancy
- recreant
- recreate
- recreation
- recreation room
- recreational vehicle
- recreative
- rest and recreation
- scream
- screamer
- screaming
- screaming meemies
- search high heaven
- served with ice cream
- seventh heaven
- spermicidal cream
- top-heavy
- uncreative
- upheaval
- upheave
- vanishing cream
- walk heavy
- walking heavy
- walks heavy
- weigh heavy
- weigh heavy upon
- whipping cream
- with heavy hand
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