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Synonyms for de-creases
Grammar : Noun, verb |
Spell : verb dih-krees; noun dee-krees, dih-krees |
Phonetic Transcription : verb dɪˈkris; noun ˈdi kris, dɪˈkris |
Top 10 synonyms for de-creases Other synonyms for the word de-creases
- abase
- abbreviate
- abbreviating
- abbreviation
- abeyance
- abrade
- abrasion
- abridge
- abridgement
- abridging
- abridgment
- absolve
- abstract
- abstraction
- adulterate
- adulteration
- allay
- alleviation
- amelioration
- amnesty
- amputate
- anchor it
- aperture
- appease
- arrest
- assuage
- atrophy
- attenuate
- attrition
- austerity
- back
- back off
- back-water
- backbite
- backflow
- backslide
- baffle
- balk
- balm
- bar
- barrier
- bate
- be beaten
- be behind
- be defeated
- be of no avail
- be precipitated
- be worthless
- becalm
- become smaller
- become threadbare
- become worn
- belittle
- belly flop
- bench
- bind
- blanch
- bleed
- bleed dry
- blemish
- blight
- blister
- blue pencil
- blunt
- bob
- bog
- bog down
- boil down
- bondage
- bottle up
- bound
- brake
- break
- break down
- break up
- breakdown
- breviary
- bridle
- brief
- brighten
- bring to screeching halt
- buckle
- bump
- buoy
- burn up
- burning
- bust
- calm
- calm down
- cancel
- captivity
- care
- carefulness
- caries
- carve
- cascade
- catheterize
- caution
- cave in
- cease
- chafe
- chain
- chains
- change
- chasten
- cheapen
- check
- chill out
- chink
- chip
- choke
- choke off
- chop
- circumscribe
- classify
- clench
- clip
- clog
- close
- close off
- coagulate
- coast
- codify
- collapse
- come apart at seams
- come down on
- comfort
- command
- commission
- compend
- compendium
- compose
- compress
- compression
- conceal
- concentrate
- concession
- conciliate
- condensation
- condense
- condensing
- condone
- confine
- confinement
- confining
- console
- consolidate
- conspectus
- constrain
- constraint
- constrict
- constriction
- consume
- consuming
- consumption
- contain
- contract
- contraction
- cook
- cool
- cool down
- cool it
- cool off
- cool out
- corrode
- corrosion
- corrupt
- cover
- crack
- cram
- cramp
- crash
- credit
- crevice
- crimp
- cripple
- crop
- crowd
- crumble
- crumbling
- crumple
- crush
- curb
- cure
- curtail
- curtailing
- curtailment
- cushion
- cut
- cut back
- cut down
- cut down to size
- cut rate
- cut to bone
- cutback
- cutting
- cutting down
- dally
- damage
- dampen
- dawdle
- de-escalate
- deaden
- dearth
- debase
- debasement
- debilitate
- decadence
- decay
- decelerate
- declass
- declination
- decline
- declining
- declivity
- decomposition
- decorticate
- decrease
- decreasing
- decrement
- decrepitude
- decrescence
- decry
- deduct
- deduction
- default
- defect
- defer
- deficit
- define
- deflate
- deflating
- deflation
- degeneracy
- degenerate
- degeneration
- degrade
- dehydrate
- delay
- delete
- delimit
- delimitate
- deliquesce
- demarcate
- demark
- demerit
- demote
- denigrate
- densen
- densify
- depart
- deplete
- depletion
- depravation
- deprave
- deprecate
- depreciate
- depreciation
- depress
- depression
- deprivation
- derogate
- descend
- descent
- desedimentation
- desist
- desolation
- despoliation
- destitution
- destroy
- destruction
- detain
- detention
- deteriorate
- deterioration
- determent
- deterrence
- detract
- detract from
- detriment
- devalorize
- devaluate
- devalue
- devaluing
- devastation
- devitalize
- devolution
- die
- die away
- die down
- die off
- die on vine
- die out
- diffuse
- dig into
- digest
- dilapidation
- dillydally
- dilute
- dim
- diminish
- diminishing
- diminishment
- diminution
- ding
- dip
- direction
- disable
- disappear
- disburden
- discount
- discredit
- discretion
- disencumber
- disesteem
- disimprove
- disintegrate
- disintegration
- disparage
- disperse
- dispersion
- disqualify
- disrate
- disrepair
- dissipate
- dissipation
- dissolution
- distress
- dive
- divert
- dock
- dockage
- doctor
- doctor up
- dodge
- down
- downfall
- downgrade
- downplay
- downsize
- downslide
- downswing
- downtrend
- downturn
- downward slope
- draft
- drag
- drag one's feet
- drain
- drain away
- draw
- draw away
- draw back
- draw in
- draw off
- draw to a close
- drawback
- drawing together
- drink up
- drinking
- drip
- droop
- drop
- drop down
- drop off
- drop-off
- drown
- dry
- dry up
- dulcify
- dull
- dump
- dwarf
- dwindle
- dwindling
- dying
- ease
- ease off
- ease up
- eat away
- eating
- eating away
- ebb
- economy
- edit
- effuse
- eliminate
- elision
- emaciate
- embargo
- embog
- empty
- encircle
- enclose
- encumber
- enervate
- enfeeble
- envelop
- epitome
- epitomize
- eradicate
- erode
- escape
- evacuate
- evaporate
- evaporating
- evaporation
- excision
- excuse
- exemption
- exhaust
- exhaustion
- exigency
- exiguity
- exonerate
- expand
- expend
- expenditure
- exposure
- extenuate
- extinction
- exude
- facilitate
- fade
- fade away
- fading
- fading away
- fail
- failing
- faint
- fall
- fall away
- fall back
- fall off
- fall short
- fall-off
- falling off
- falloff
- falter
- fashion
- fatigue
- featherbed
- fetter
- fetters
- filter off
- finish
- fissure
- fix up
- flag
- flagging
- flatten
- flay
- flop
- flow
- flow back
- flow out
- fold
- fold up
- forbear
- force into space
- forgive
- form
- founder
- fray
- free
- free from
- fritter away
- frivol away
- frugality
- gag
- gall
- gamble away
- gangrene
- get last drop
- get no place fast
- get rid of
- get to meat
- get to the meat
- give way
- gnaw
- go away
- go back
- go down
- go downhill
- go out
- go to pieces
- go to pot
- go to seed
- go to the dogs
- go to waste
- go under
- go white
- go with the flow
- going out
- goldbrick
- goof off
- gravitate
- graze
- grind
- grinding down
- grow dull
- grow less
- grow smaller
- gulp down
- halt
- hamper
- handicap
- hang back
- hang easy
- hang loose
- hang up
- header
- hem in
- hesitate
- hew
- hide
- hill
- hinder
- hindrance
- hit the brakes
- hit the dirt
- hit the skids
- hobble
- hold back
- hold down
- hold off
- hold up
- hole
- humble
- hurt
- husbandry
- hush
- idle
- impair
- impairment
- impede
- impediment
- impoverish
- imprisonment
- inadequacy
- inch
- inch along
- incline
- inclose
- inferiority
- inhibit
- injure
- instruction
- insufficience
- insufficiency
- interdict
- intermit
- interrupt
- interruption
- invalidate
- inventory
- irrigate
- jade
- jelly
- jettison
- justify
- keel
- keel over
- keep waiting
- keep within bounds
- keep within limits
- knock
- knock down
- knock off
- knock-off
- lace
- lag
- land
- languish
- lapse
- laugh at
- lavish
- lax
- lay back
- layoff
- leak
- leakage
- leaking
- leave dry
- lessen
- lessening
- let down flaps
- let go
- let it all hang out
- let up
- letup
- levitate
- lie down on job
- lighten
- limit
- limp
- linger
- liquefy
- loaf
- loiter
- loose
- lop
- lopping
- lose
- lose color
- lose edge
- lose luster
- lose speed
- lose spirit
- lose steam
- lose strength
- lose value
- loss
- lounge
- low tide
- low water
- lower
- lowering
- lull
- lullaby
- make allowances
- make brief
- make less
- make light of
- make lighter
- make little of
- make nice
- make useless
- manacles
- mar
- mark down
- mark off
- markdown
- meagerness
- meanness
- meet halfway
- mellow
- mellow out
- melt
- methodize
- milk
- miniaturize
- minify
- minimize
- mire
- misapply
- misemploy
- miserliness
- misprize
- miss
- misuse
- mitigate
- mix
- model
- moderate
- moderation
- modification
- modify
- modulate
- mold
- mollify
- moratorium
- mortification
- mow
- muddy
- mute
- muzzle
- narrow
- narrow down
- narrowing
- necessity
- needle
- neglect
- niggardliness
- nose dive
- nose-dive
- nosedive
- nutshell
- obstacle
- obstruction
- omission
- omit
- omitting
- ooze
- order
- osmose
- outgoing
- outline
- outward flow
- overuse
- overwork
- pacify
- pack
- palliate
- pan
- parcity
- pardon
- pare
- pare down
- parsimony
- patch things up
- paucity
- percentage
- percolate
- percolation
- perish
- perishing
- peter out
- petering out
- phase down
- phase out
- phony up
- pin down
- pine
- pinions
- pit
- pitch
- placate
- plant
- play down
- play up to
- plod
- plummet
- plunge
- poke
- pooh-pooh
- poor-mouth
- postpone
- pour down the drain
- pour oil on
- pour out
- poverty
- pratfall
- precipitate
- précis
- prejudice
- prelimit
- premium
- press
- press together
- privation
- procrastinate
- prohibition
- propitiate
- prorogue
- providence
- prudence
- prune
- pump
- pump out
- puncture
- purse
- put a lid on
- put away
- put down
- put in a nutshell
- put in nutshell
- put off
- put on ice
- put the lid on
- putrefaction
- putrescence
- putridity
- putridness
- quaff
- qualification
- qualify
- queer
- quell
- quiet
- quiet down
- quieten
- ram
- rarefy
- rebate
- recede
- receding
- recession
- reduce
- reduce speed
- reducing
- reduction
- reef
- refine
- refluence
- reflux
- regress
- regulate
- regulation
- rein
- rein in
- relapse
- relax
- relaxation
- release
- relent
- relieve
- remission
- remit
- removal
- remove
- repeal
- repress
- repression
- reprieve
- rescind
- respite
- restrain
- restraint
- restrict
- restriction
- retard
- retardate
- retire
- retract
- retreat
- retrench
- retrenchment
- retrocede
- retrocession
- retroflux
- retrograde
- retrogress
- return
- revalue
- revert
- roll back
- roll down
- rollback
- rope
- rot
- rottenness
- rotting
- rough up
- rub
- ruin
- ruination
- run down
- run dry
- run low
- run off
- run through
- rust
- sag
- salvage
- salve
- sap
- saunter
- save
- saving
- scale back
- scale down
- scalp
- scantiness
- scarcity
- scrape
- scrape off
- scrimping
- scuff
- sculpt
- send up
- senescence
- set
- set back
- settle
- shape
- shave
- shear
- shelve
- shift
- shirk
- short circuit
- shortage
- shortcoming
- shorten
- shortfall
- shortness
- shrink
- shrinkage
- shrinking
- shrivel
- shrivelling
- shuffle
- shut down
- shut in
- shut off
- silence
- sink
- sinking
- siphon
- sit down on
- sketch
- skid
- skimping
- skin
- skive
- slack
- slack off
- slack up
- slacken
- slackening
- slant
- slash
- slide
- slightness
- slip
- slope
- slouch
- slow
- slow down
- slow up
- slump
- smother
- snip
- soft-pedal
- soften
- solace
- something off
- soothe
- spare
- sparingness
- spend
- spike
- spill
- spin
- splurge
- spoil
- spoilage
- spoilation
- spoiling
- squander
- square
- squash
- squeeze
- squelch
- stagger
- stall
- stay
- step down
- stifle
- still
- stinginess
- stint
- stoop
- stop
- stoppage
- straggle
- strain
- straitjacket
- striction
- string
- strip
- stroke
- stuff
- stumble
- stunt
- subduction
- subdue
- submerge
- submerse
- submit
- subside
- subsidence
- subtract from
- subtraction
- succumb
- suck
- suck dry
- suffer
- suffer defeat
- sum
- sum up
- summarize
- summary
- summate
- supervision
- surround
- survey
- suspend
- suspension
- swallow
- swallowing
- sweep
- sweeten
- swoop
- syncopate
- synopsis
- synopsize
- systematize
- taboo
- tabulate
- tail
- tail off
- take
- take a header
- take a load off
- take down
- take down a peg
- take from
- take in
- take it easy
- take load off one's chest
- take load off one's mind
- take off
- take out
- take sting out
- take the bite out
- take the edge
- take the edge off
- take the sting out
- tame
- tap
- taper
- taper off
- tare
- tarnish
- tarry
- tax
- telescope
- temper
- tensing
- tether
- thin
- thin out
- thrift
- thriftiness
- throw away
- throw out
- tie
- tighten
- tightening
- tip over
- tire
- tire out
- tone down
- tool
- topple
- total
- totter
- trail
- tranquilize
- tremble
- trickle
- trifle away
- trim
- trim away
- trip
- trudge
- truncate
- tumble
- tune down
- tweak
- unburden
- uncover
- underestimate
- undermine
- underplay
- underrate
- undervalue
- unfit
- unlax
- unload
- untighten
- uplight
- upraise
- use up
- using up
- utilization
- vary
- vilipend
- vitiate
- void
- wane
- waning
- want
- wash away
- wash up
- washing away
- waste
- waste away
- wasting
- wasting away
- water
- water down
- weaken
- weakening
- wear
- wear and tear
- wear away
- wear down
- wear out
- wear thin
- wearing down
- weary
- weather
- wedge
- weed out
- weight
- well
- whiten
- wilt
- wind down
- withdraw
- withdrawal
- withdrawing
- wither
- withering
- withhold
- worsen
- wrap
- wrinkle
- write down
- write off
- write-down
- write-off
Définition of de-creases
Origin :- late 14c., from Anglo-French decreiss-, present participle stem of decreistre, Old French descroistre (12c., Modern French décroître), from Latin decrescere "to grow less, diminish," from de- "away from" (see de-) + crescere "to grow" (see crescent). Related: Decreased; decreasing.
- As in lack : noun deficiency, need
- As in leak : noun opening; seepage through opening
- As in remission : noun pause; lessening
- As in restraint : noun limitation; something that holds
- As in abatement : noun lessening
- As in subtraction : noun deduction
- As in abridgment : noun condensation
- As in devaluation : noun depreciation
- As in downslide : noun decline
- As in downswing : noun decline
- As in dropoff : noun decline
- As in nosedive : noun fall
- As in putrefaction : noun decay
- As in putrescence : noun decay
- As in putridness : noun decay
- As in slackening : noun let-up
- As in spoilage : noun decay
- As in subsidence : noun let-up
- As in thriftiness : noun economy
- As in consumption : noun devouring; use
- As in contraction : noun drawing in; shortening
- As in cut : noun reduction, diminution
- As in decay : noun breaking down, collapse
- As in decline : noun downward change in value, position
- As in decrease : noun diminishing, lessening
- As in deduction : noun something subtracted
- As in degeneracy : noun decay, deterioration
- As in diminution : noun lessening, reduction
- As in discount : noun reduction in cost
- As in ebb : noun regression; decline
- As in economy : noun saving, frugality
- As in erosion : noun deterioration; wearing away
- As in fall : noun descent; lowering
- As in abridgement : noun shortening, summary
- As in lag : verb move slowly; delay
- As in abate : verb lessen, grow or cause to grow less
- As in lessen : verb lower, reduce
- As in let up : verb pause
- As in lighten : verb reduce weight, load
- As in lower : verb reduce, minimize
- As in lull : verb calm, ease off
- As in mince : verb euphemize, hold back in communication
- As in minimize : verb make smaller; underrate
- As in moderate : verb restrain, control
- As in modify : verb lessen, reduce
- As in mollify : verb pacify, soothe
- As in muffle : verb suppress, make quiet
- As in pale : verb become, make lighter or weakened
- As in pare : verb peel, trim
- As in plummet : verb fall hard and fast
- As in recede : verb withdraw; diminish
- As in relieve : verb make less painful; let up on
- As in remit : verb stop, postpone
- As in restrict : verb confine, limit situation or ability to participate
- As in retard : verb hinder, obstruct
- As in shrink : verb become smaller
- As in sink : verb deteriorate
- As in slack/slacken : verb do little or nothing; loosen
- As in slow : verb delay, restrict
- As in subtract : verb take away
- As in thin : verb make diluted or less dense
- As in wane : verb diminish, lessen
- As in waste : verb spend or use without thought; dwindle
- As in weaken : verb reduce the strength of
- As in wear : verb corrode, use
- As in whittle : verb cut away at; reduce
- As in fall off : verb decline
- As in cut back : verb economize
- As in retrench : verb economize
- As in rarefy : verb thin
- As in retrocede : verb recede
- As in clip : verb cut short
- As in come down : verb worsen
- As in commute : verb reduce punishment
- As in compress : verb compact, condense
- As in contract : verb condense
- As in curtail : verb cut short; abridge
- As in decline : verb lessen, become less
- As in decrease : verb grow less or make less
- As in deflate : verb reduce or cause to contract
- As in degenerate : verb decay, deteriorate
- As in deplete : verb consume, exhaust supply
- As in depreciate : verb devalue, lose value
- As in detract : verb take away a part; lessen
- As in devalue : verb depreciate
- As in digest : verb make shorter; abridge
- As in dilute : verb make thinner; weaken
- As in diminish : verb become or cause to be less
- As in downgrade : verb lower in opinion or rank
- As in downsize : verb to decrease in size, especially of a workforce
- As in drain : verb remove liquid; remove supply
- As in drain : verb seep, discharge liquid
- As in dwindle : verb waste away; taper off
- As in ebb : verb subside; decline
- As in allay : verb reduce something, usually a pain or a problem
- As in extenuate : verb lessen, mitigate
- As in fall : verb descend; become lower
- As in go down : verb lose, fall
- As in abridge : verb shorten
- As in impair : verb harm, hinder
Antonyms for de-creases
- abundance
- accelerate
- accept
- accumulate
- accusation
- accuse
- achieve
- activate
- add
- add to
- addition
- advance
- advantage
- affluence
- aggravate
- agitate
- agitation
- aid
- allow
- allowance
- amplification
- amplify
- anger
- animate
- annoy
- approve
- arousal
- arouse
- ascend
- ascent
- assist
- assistance
- attain
- augment
- beef up
- begin
- beginning
- benefit
- betterment
- blab
- blacken
- blame
- bloom
- blow up
- boost
- brave
- break off
- brighten
- bring down
- build
- build up
- building
- burden
- carelessness
- carry on
- censure
- charge
- cheer
- cherish
- clean
- climb
- collect
- combination
- commend
- complete
- compliment
- concentrate
- condemn
- confusion
- construct
- construction
- continuation
- continue
- cover
- create
- creation
- cure
- darken
- delight
- depress
- destroy
- detail
- develop
- development
- dilate
- dilation
- dim
- disagree
- disclose
- discourage
- disorganize
- disperse
- disregard
- disrobe
- distress
- disturb
- divulge
- do
- dull
- egg on
- elevate
- elongate
- encourage
- encouragement
- energize
- enhance
- enlarge
- enlargement
- enliven
- enough
- enter
- evenness
- exaggerate
- exalt
- exasperate
- excess
- excite
- expand
- expansion
- expedite
- expose
- extend
- extension
- extra
- extravagance
- face
- facilitate
- fasting
- fight
- fill
- finish
- fix
- flatter
- float
- flourish
- flow
- forge
- forward
- free
- freedom
- freshen
- further
- gain
- gain value
- gather
- generosity
- germination
- give
- glow
- go
- go up
- grow
- growth
- harass
- harm
- hasten
- heal
- heighten
- help
- hoard
- hold
- hurry
- hurt
- improve
- improvement
- imprudence
- incite
- incline
- include
- increase
- incriminate
- independence
- indiscretion
- indulgence
- inflate
- injure
- intensify
- invigorate
- irritate
- keep
- laud
- lay bare
- leave
- leave alone
- lengthen
- lengthening
- let go
- let loose
- let out
- level
- liberate
- liberation
- liberty
- license
- loose
- loosen
- lose
- lot
- magnify
- maintain
- make happy
- mark-up
- maximize
- meet
- mend
- misunderstand
- morality
- mountain
- move
- neglect
- negligence
- nicety
- open
- opening
- optimize
- overcome
- overestimate
- overrate
- overthrow
- overvalue
- padding
- pain
- perfection
- permission
- permit
- persevere
- plant
- please
- plenty
- plethora
- pour
- praise
- preserve
- profusion
- progress
- prolong
- promote
- promotion
- provoke
- punish
- purify
- push
- radiate
- raise
- rate
- reach
- rebuild
- rebuilding
- recommend
- refresh
- refuse
- reject
- release
- remain
- repair
- reveal
- revive
- ripening
- rise
- rouse
- run
- rush
- save
- say yes
- scale
- scaling
- sentence
- shoot up
- show
- speed
- spend
- spending
- spread
- squander
- squandering
- stagnate
- start
- starvation
- starve
- stay
- stiffen
- stir
- strength
- strengthen
- strengthening
- stretch
- succeed
- success
- sufficiency
- support
- surplus
- swell
- take off
- take on
- tell
- tell all
- thicken
- thoughtlessness
- tighten
- tiptoe
- trouble
- turn over
- unabridgement
- unbind
- unblock
- uncompress
- uncondense
- uncover
- unfasten
- unleash
- unloose
- untie
- unwrap
- unwrinkle
- upgrade
- upset
- value
- vex
- waste
- weigh down
- wildness
- win
- worry
- worsen
- worsening
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019