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Synonyms for hang in the balance
Grammar : Verb |
Spell : hang |
Phonetic Transcription : hæŋ |
Définition of hang in the balance
Origin :- a fusion of Old English hon "suspend" (transitive, class VII strong verb; past tense heng, past participle hangen), and Old English hangian (weak, intransitive, past tense hangode) "be suspended;" also probably influenced by Old Norse hengja "suspend," and hanga "be suspended." All from Proto-Germanic *khang- (cf. Old Frisian hangia, Dutch hangen, German hängen), from PIE *kank- "to hang" (cf. Gothic hahan, Hittite gang- "to hang," Sanskrit sankate "wavers," Latin cunctari "to delay;" see also second element in Stonehenge). As a method of execution, in late Old English (but originally specifically of crucifixion).
- Hung emerged as past participle 16c. in northern England dialect, and hanged endured only in legal language (which tends to be conservative) and metaphors extended from it (I'll be hanged). Teen slang sense of "spend time" first recorded 1951; hang around "idle, loiter" is from 1830, and hang out (v.) is from 1811. Hang fire (1781) was originally used of guns that were slow in communicating the fire through the vent to the charge. To let it all hang out "be relaxed and uninhibited" is from 1967.
- verb hang in suspense
Words or expressions associated with your search
- able to be changed
- abrupt change
- American Stock Exchange
- archangel
- archangelic
- balance
- balance account
- balance beam
- balance books
- balance due
- balance of payments
- balance of trade
- balance out
- balance payments
- balance sheet
- balance trade
- balance-wheel
- balance wheel
- balanced
- balancer
- balancers
- balances out
- balancing
- balancing book
- balancing books
- balancing the book
- balancing the books
- balancings
- bhang
- bill of exchange
- cabala
- catch off balance
- catch off-balance
- catch offbalance
- catches off-balance
- catches off balance
- catches offbalance
- catching off balance
- catching off-balance
- catching offbalance
- caught balance
- caught off-balance
- caught off balance
- caught offbalance
- change
- change in direction
- change of heart
- change of mind
- change opinion
- change position
- changeable
- changeableness
- changeabout
- changed
- changeover
- changing
- chump change
- cliff-hanger
- cliffhanger
- commodities exchange
- effecting change
- equal exchange
- exchange
- exchange blows
- exchange letters
- exchangeability
- foreign exchange
- futures exchange
- gat the hang of
- get in exchange
- get the hang of
- gets hang of
- gets the hang of
- hang
- hang a left
- hang a right
- hang about
- hang about/hang around/hang out
- hang around
- hang around with
- hang by a thread
- hang crepe
- hang down
- hang easy
- hang fire
- hang in
- hang in suspense
- hang in the balance
- hang it up
- hang-loose
- hang loose
- hang of it
- hang off
- hang on
- hang on words
- hang one's hat
- hang onto
- hang onto your hat
- hang-out
- hang out
- hang out at
- hang out with
- hang over
- hang sign on
- hang something on
- hang there
- hang together
- hang tough
- hang-up
- hang up
- hang up hat
- hang up one hat
- hang up one's hat
- hang up ones hat
- hang upon
- hang with
- hangar
- hangdog
- hangdog look
- hanged around
- hanged down
- hanged in
- hanged in there
- hanged loose
- hanged out
- hanged out with
- hanged over
- hanged something on
- hanged there
- hanged up
- hanged up hat
- hanged up one hat
- hanged up one's hat
- hanged up ones hat
- hanger
- hanger-on
- hangeron
- hangers
- hangers ons
- hangers-ons
- hangersons
- hanging
- hanging about
- hanging around
- hanging by a thread
- hanging by thread
- hanging crepe
- hanging down
- hanging fire
- hanging in
- hanging in there
- hanging loose
- hanging on every word
- hanging onto
- hanging onto hat
- hanging out
- hanging out with
- hanging over
- hanging there
- hanging together
- hanging up
- hanging up hat
- hanging up one hat
- hanging up one's hat
- hanging up ones hat
- hanging upon
- hangings
- hangman
- hangout
- hangover
- hangs about
- hangs around
- hangs down
- hangs in
- hangs in there
- hangs loose
- hangs on words
- hangs out
- hangs out with
- hangs there
- hangs up
- hangs up hat
- hangs up on
- hangs up one hat
- hangs up one's hat
- hangs up ones hat
- hangs words
- hangup
- hast change heart
- hast change of heart
- have change of heart
- imbalance
- imbalanced
- in balance
- in exchange for
- in the balance
- interchange
- interchangeability
- interchangeable
- interchangeableness
- kabala
- keep hanging
- keeps hanging
- lack balance
- lack of balance
- leave hanging
- leaved hanging
- leaves hanging
- leaving hanging
- left hanging
- let hang out
- let it all hang out
- lets all hang out
- lets hang out
- letted hang out
- letting hang out
- loose change
- lose balance
- made change
- make change
- makes change
- making change
- medium of exchange
- new york stock exchanges
- nice hunk of change
- no change
- no changes
- not balanced
- off balance
- off-balance
- offbalance
- one you can hang the wash on
- out balanced
- out balancing
- outbalance
- overhang
- overhanging
- paperhanger
- personality change
- piece of change
- policy change
- putting the balance
- radical change
- revolutionary change
- sea change
- Shangri-la
- small change
- stock exchange
- sudden change
- total change
- unbalance
- unbalanced
- unchangeableness
- unchangeably
- unchanging
- unexpended balance
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