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Synonyms for peevish
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : pee-vish |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈpi vɪʃ |
Top 10 synonyms for peevish Other synonyms for the word peevish
- crabbed
- cranky
- critical
- cross
- crotchety
- crusty
- cussed
- fault-finding
- fractious
- fretful
- fretting
- grouchy
- grousing
- growling
- grumpy
- huffy
- ill-natured
- mean
- morose
- obstinate
- ogre
- ornery
- out-of-sorts
- pertinacious
- petulant
- querulous
- short-tempered
- snappy
- splenetic
- sulky
- sullen
- surly
- tetchy
- touchy
- ugly
- waspish
- waspy
- whining
Définition of peevish
Origin :- late 14c., peyvesshe "perverse, capricious, silly," of uncertain origin, possibly modeled on Latin perversus "reversed, perverse," past participle of pervertere "to turn about" (see pervert (v.)). Meaning "cross, fretful" first recorded 1520s. Related: Peevishly; peevishness.
- adj irritable, testy
- She had no affection for this selfish invalid, this weak, peevish bully.
- Extract from : « Life and Death of Harriett Frean » by May Sinclair
- Are you mistress of the petulant, the peevish, and the sullen tone?
- Extract from : « Tales And Novels, Volume 4 (of 10) » by Maria Edgeworth
- There's nothing for you to be peevish about, the water's like glass.
- Extract from : « The Harbor » by Ernest Poole
- He may fail in the attempt, and be a peevish thing at play, but the attempt will show him at his best.
- Extract from : « Mountain Meditations » by L. Lind-af-Hageby
- Perhaps it was the fault of the portrait, but he had a peevish frown.
- Extract from : « Stories of a Western Town » by Octave Thanet
- For she was a straight, brave woman, as well as a peevish one.
- Extract from : « Where Angels Fear to Tread » by E. M. Forster
- He is peevish and cross-grained, poor man, since he came here.
- Extract from : « Scaramouche » by Rafael Sabatini
- Sometimes she was fretful and peevish, and sometimes hopelessly dejected and sad.
- Extract from : « Queen Elizabeth » by Jacob Abbott
- And he felt ashamed, as though he had for six years behaved like a peevish boy.
- Extract from : « End of the Tether » by Joseph Conrad
- And is it not more than hard for a hasty, peevish, irritable dog like myself?
- Extract from : « Sir Brook Fossbrooke, Volume II. » by Charles James Lever
Antonyms for peevish
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019