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Synonyms for fireboard
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : fahyuh r-bawrd, -bohrd |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈfaɪərˌbɔrd, -ˌboʊrd |
Définition of fireboard
- As in mantel : noun fireplace
- I will take away the fireboard, so they can come out at the fireplace.
- Extract from : « The Nursery, December 1873, Vol. XIV. No. 6 » by Various
- Then he put the fireboard back in its place and stepped forward.
- Extract from : « Wizard Will » by Prentiss Ingraham
- Presently she turned to her task of restoring the motto on the fireboard.
- Extract from : « The Shield of Silence » by Harriet T. Comstock
- To the bow must be added the twirling-stick and fireboard (Fig. 76).
- Extract from : « On the Trail » by Lina Beard and Adelia Belle Beard
- O, I tell you, sis, you never tasted of anything so good in your life as clams roasted on a fireboard!
- Extract from : « The William Henry Letters » by Abby Morton Diaz
- The fireplace was covered by a fireboard on which was pasted wallpaper like that adorning the room.
- Extract from : « Old Caravan Days » by Mary Hartwell Catherwood
- Old Claus clenched his fist, and resolved that if he heard the sound of a blow, that fireboard would go down.
- Extract from : « Around the Yule Log » by Willis Boyd Allen
- This cord was twisted once round the upper part of the drill whose lower point fitted into the shallow hole in the fireboard.
- Extract from : « A Scout of To-day » by Isabel Hornibrook
- It is just such a speaking monument of suffering as we want in our parlor, and suits my fireboard most admirably.
- Extract from : « The Grimk Sisters » by Catherine H. Birney
- The flat piece of spruce for your fireboard should be about two feet long and a little less than one inch thick.
- Extract from : « On the Trail » by Lina Beard and Adelia Belle Beard
Words or expressions associated with your search
- add fuel fire
- add fuel to fire
- add fuel to the fire
- added fuel the fire
- adds fuel fire
- adds fuel to fire
- afire
- all-fired
- all fired
- all-firedest
- backfire
- balefire
- ball of fire
- baptism of fire
- bonfire
- campfire
- campfires
- catch fire
- catch on fire
- catches fire
- catches on fire
- catching fire
- catching on fire
- caught fire
- caught on fire
- cease fire
- cease-fire
- ceased fire
- ceasefire
- ceasefire agreement
- ceases fire
- ceasing fire
- drumfire
- everlasting fire
- fan fire
- fan the fire
- fanned fire
- fed the fire
- feed fire
- feed the fire
- feeding fire
- feeding the fire
- feeds fire
- feeds the fire
- fire
- fire alarm
- fire-and-brimstone
- fire and brimstone
- fire and ice
- fire at
- fire beetle
- fire bell
- fire belly
- fire brigade
- fire brimstone
- fire company
- fire department
- fire detector
- fire-eater
- fire eating
- fire-eating
- fire eatings
- fire egress
- fire escape
- fire exit
- fire-extinguishing system
- fire hydrant
- fire in belly
- fire in the belly
- fire on
- fire question
- fire raid
- fire-resistant
- fire resistant
- fire station
- fire the question
- fire-truck
- fire up
- fire upon
- fireball
- fireballs
- fireboard
- firebolt
- firebrand
- firebug
- fireclay
- firecracker
- fired
- fired the question
- fired-up
- fired up
- fired upon
- firedog
- firedogs
- fireeatings
- firefighter
- firefly
- fireman
- fireplace
- fireplug
- fireproof
- fireresistant
- fires question
- fireside
- firewater
- firewood
- firework
- fireworks
- fireworks display
- fireworm
- go through fire and water
- gunfire
- hang fire
- hanging fire
- hell-fire
- hellfire
- in line of fire
- in the line of fire
- lake of fire and brimstone
- like a house on fire
- misfire
- miss fire
- on fire
- open fire
- opened fire
- play with fire
- playing with fire
- putting the fire
- quick-fire
- rapid-fire
- rapidfire
- signal fire
- spitfire
- sure-fire
- surefire
- take fire
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