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Synonyms for ceasefire

Grammar : Noun
Spell : sees-fahyuh r
Phonetic Transcription : ˈsisˈfaɪər

Top 10 synonyms for ceasefire Other synonyms for the word ceasefire

Définition of ceasefire

Origin :
  • also ceasefire, "a cessation of shooting," 1916, from verbal phrase cease fire, 1847 as a military command (formerly also signaled by bugles), from cease (v.) + fire (n.) in the gunnery sense. Generally two words until after mid-20c.
  • As in armistice : noun peace-establishing agreement
  • As in truce : noun peaceful solution
  • As in peace treaty : noun peace agreement
  • As in cease-fire : noun stop in fighting

Antonyms for ceasefire

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019