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Synonyms for definitively
Grammar : Adv |
Spell : dih-fin-i-tiv |
Phonetic Transcription : dɪˈfɪn ɪ tɪv |
Définition of definitively
Origin :- late 14c., from Old French definitif (12c.), from Latin definitivus "explanatory, definitive," from past participle stem of definire (see define). Related: Definitively.
- As in conclusively : adv finally
- The government of Freeland was now definitively constituted.
- Extract from : « Freeland » by Theodor Hertzka
- The categories and the indemnities were definitively rejected.
- Extract from : « Memoirs To Illustrate The History Of My Time » by Franois Pierre Guillaume Guizot
- At length, their numbers increasing, they definitively adopt her, and set to work.
- Extract from : « The Insect » by Jules Michelet
- Then I hope that at length the Company is definitively formed?
- Extract from : « The Mysteries of London, v. 1/4 » by George W. M. Reynolds
- So you definitively refuse to accompany me to the Tuileries?
- Extract from : « The Companions of Jehu » by Alexandre Dumas, pre
- Invest him with some authority, no matter what, and he will be bound to us definitively.'
- Extract from : « The Life of Mohammad » by Etienne Dinet
- Can we say definitely and definitively that life is life and death is death?
- Extract from : « Once a Greech » by Evelyn E. Smith
- He had been destined by his parents for the Church; but this opening into life he had definitively and deliberately abandoned.
- Extract from : « The Three Devils: Luther's, Milton's, and Goethe's » by David Masson
- Greatly, however, as she wished to answer him at once and definitively, she was unable to articulate a single word.
- Extract from : « The Widow Barnaby » by Frances Trollope
- The theory of foreign languages supernaturally imparted without previous study may be definitively laid aside.
- Extract from : « Supernatural Religion, Vol. III. (of III) » by Walter Richard Cassels
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- definer
- defines
- defining moment
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- definite plan
- definitely
- definiteness
- definition
- definitive
- definitive test
- definitively
- definitiveness
- definitude
- Doctrine of definite proportions
- ill-defined
- ill defined
- illdefined
- in defiance of
- in definable
- in definitely
- in definiteness
- indefinable
- indefinably
- indefinite
- indefinitely
- indefiniteness
- learning deficit
- not definite
- undefiled
- undefined
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