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Synonyms for fine-tuned
Grammar : Verb |
Spell : fahyn-toon, -tyoon |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈfaɪnˈtun, -ˈtyun |
Définition of fine-tuned
- verb make small adjustments
Words or expressions associated with your search
- attune
- atune
- bad fortune
- be in tune
- confine
- confined
- confinement
- confines
- Dame Fortune
- dame fortunes
- dance to another tune
- de fine
- de-fine
- de-fined
- de fined
- de-fines
- de fines
- define
- defined
- definer
- defines
- familiar tune
- familiar tunes
- fine
- fine and dandy
- fine art
- fine comb
- fine-comb
- fine combed
- fine combing
- fine-drawn
- fine feather
- fine fettle
- fine gentleman
- fine gentlemen
- fine gesture
- fine grained
- fine-grained
- fine-looking
- fine point
- fine points
- fine print
- fine print at the bottom
- fine-spun
- fine talk
- fine-tooth-comb
- fine tune
- fine-tuned
- fine tunings
- finecomb
- finely
- fineness
- finer
- finery
- fines
- finespun
- finesse
- finessing
- finest point
- finetune
- fortune
- fortune-hunter
- fortune-telling
- good fortune
- ground fine
- huffiness
- iffiness
- ill-defined
- ill defined
- ill fortune
- ill-fortune
- illdefined
- importune
- in fine feather
- in fine fettle
- in opportune
- in tune
- inopportune
- Lady Fortune
- lady fortunes
- make a fine distinction
- make a fortune
- misfortune
- name of tune
- Neptune
- neptunes
- no fine print
- opportune
- opportunely
- opportuneness
- out-of-tune
- out of tune
- overrefined
- puffiness
- re fine
- re-fine
- re-fined
- re fined
- re-finer
- re finer
- re fineries
- re-fineries
- re finery
- re-finery
- re-fines
- re fines
- refine
- refine a distinction
- refined
- refinement
- sing a different tune
- stuffiness
- suffer a misfortune
- tempt fortune
- tune
- tune down
- tune in
- tune in on
- tune out
- tune up
- tuned in
- tuneful
- tuneless
- unconfined
- undefined
- unrefined
- unrefined earth
- unrefinement
- was in tune
- wheel of fortune
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