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Synonyms for fair game
Grammar : Noun |
Définition of fair game
- noun legitimate target
- The infidels, he said, were God's natural enemies and fair game to the Christian.
- Extract from : « Green Mansions » by W. H. Hudson
- But though they might be fair game, the game had its rules—anomalous as it may seem.
- Extract from : « The Lion's Skin » by Rafael Sabatini
- Upon my word, he was too unsuspecting; he was not fair game.
- Extract from : « Lord Jim » by Joseph Conrad
- You can play a fair game if you go to work and spend some time on the floor.
- Extract from : « Marjorie Dean, College Sophomore » by Pauline Lester
- Any kind of a fox, deceased or otherwise, is fair game for Buddy.
- Extract from : « Torchy As A Pa » by Sewell Ford
- It's a game now—fair game—and you're glad you came to the tea!
- Extract from : « The Wit and Humor of America, Volume IX (of X) » by Various
- A Loose-Fish is fair game for anybody who can soonest catch it.
- Extract from : « Moby Dick; or The Whale » by Herman Melville
- She was an impartial referee; her one desire being to play a fair game.
- Extract from : « Hester's Counterpart » by Jean K. Baird
- The Yankees in Bardstown had been fair game, and their bluff there had been an adventure.
- Extract from : « Ride Proud, Rebel! » by Andre Alice Norton
- Before God that is perhaps very reprehensible, but before men it is thought a fair game.
- Extract from : « The Correspondence of Madame, Princess Palatine, Mother of the Regent; of Marie-Adlade de Savoie, Duchesse de Bourgogne; and of Madame de Maintenon, in Relation to Saint-Cyr » by Charlotte-Elisabeth, duchesse d Orlans; Marie Adelaide, of Savoy, Duchess of Burgundy; and Madame de Maintenon
Words or expressions associated with your search
- academic affairs
- affair
- affair of the heart
- affaire
- affaire de coeur
- affairs
- affairs of state
- charitable affair
- county fair
- fair
- fair-and-square
- fair and square
- fair field
- fair game
- fair haired
- fair-haired
- fair-haired boy
- fair-haired boys
- fair-haireds
- fair haireds
- fair hiring
- fair hiring practices
- fair-minded
- fair minded
- fair mindedness
- fair-mindedness
- fair play
- fair practice
- fair sex
- fair shake
- fair-skinned
- fair-spoken
- fair square
- fair to middling
- fair-to-middling
- fair-trade
- fair trade
- fair-trading
- fair treatment
- fair warning
- fair weather
- fair-weather
- fair words
- fairer
- fairest
- fairground
- fairhaired
- fairhaireds
- fairier
- fairies
- fairiest
- fairing
- fairish
- fairly
- fairly good
- fairminded
- fairmindedness
- fairness
- fairway
- fairweather
- fairy
- fairy floss
- fairy godmother
- fairy godmothers
- fairy godparent
- fairy ring
- fairy story
- fairy tale
- fairy-tale
- fairyfolk
- fairyland
- fairylike
- fairytale
- financial affairs
- for fair
- give fair warning
- illicit love affair
- laissez-faire
- laissez faire
- laissez faire economic
- laissez faire economics
- love affair
- minister of foreign affairs
- not fair
- play fair
- romantic affair
- savoir faire
- savoir-faire
- street fair
- unfair
- unfairness
- ahead of the game
- ahead the game
- ball game
- ballgame
- be game for
- beat the game
- bowl game
- bunco game
- championship game
- computerized game
- con game
- confidence game
- craps game
- easy game
- electronic games
- even game
- fight game
- fun and games
- gambling game
- game
- game bird
- game chance
- game for
- game of chance
- game plan
- game refuge
- game room
- game show
- game theory
- gamed
- gamekeeper
- gamekeepers
- gamely
- gameness
- gamer
- games
- games player
- gamesman
- gamesmanship
- gamesome
- gamester
- gamete
- gametes
- grid game
- little game
- make a game of
- makes a game of
- makes game of
- name of game
- name-of-the-game
- name of the game
- name the game
- new ball-game
- numbers game
- on one's game
- parlor game
- party game
- play a waiting game
- play games
- play games with
- play the game
- playing games
- playoff game
- post-season game
- ran a game on
- run a game on
- shell game
- skin game
- tie game
- waiting game
- war game
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