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Synonyms for fair field
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : fair-feeld |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈfɛərˌfild |
Définition of fair field
- As in fair game : noun legitimate target
- Oh, no, it is a fair field now and no favour, returned Clawbonny.
- Extract from : « The Field of Ice » by Jules Verne
- Sure it'll be a fair field and no favor, sweet Peggy O'Neal!
- Extract from : « The Cruise of the Dry Dock » by T. S. Stribling
- He was entrapped; not taken in open day, with a fair field before him.
- Extract from : « Graham's Magazine Vol XXXIII No. 2 August 1848 » by Various
- I found no fault with the Liberals; they had beaten me in a fair field.
- Extract from : « Apologia Pro Vita Sua » by John Henry Cardinal Newman
- The purser and his child had been pulled on deck, and the combatants had a fair field.
- Extract from : « Golden Days for Boys and Girls » by Various
- Well, you had a fair field and no favor, old boy, didn't you?
- Extract from : « The Martian » by George Du Maurier
- The obscurest and humblest person has a fair field for competition.
- Extract from : « Popular Education » by Ira Mayhew
- At last I was on a fair field with this scientific magician or madman.
- Extract from : « The Crack of Doom » by Robert Cromie
- Cf. Milton's method of description, 'Not that fair field,' etc.
- Extract from : « Keats: Poems Published in 1820 » by John Keats
- You mean I am to stand aside and let you have a fair field with the lady?
- Extract from : « Afterwards » by Kathlyn Rhodes
Words or expressions associated with your search
- academic affairs
- affair
- affair of the heart
- affaire
- affaire de coeur
- affairs
- affairs of state
- afield
- airfield
- aviation field
- ball field
- baseball field
- battlefield
- charitable affair
- county fair
- electromagnetic field
- Elysian Fields
- elysian fieldses
- emergency field ration
- fair
- fair-and-square
- fair and square
- fair field
- fair game
- fair haired
- fair-haired
- fair-haired boy
- fair-haired boys
- fair-haireds
- fair haireds
- fair hiring
- fair hiring practices
- fair-minded
- fair minded
- fair mindedness
- fair-mindedness
- fair play
- fair practice
- fair sex
- fair shake
- fair-skinned
- fair-spoken
- fair square
- fair to middling
- fair-to-middling
- fair-trade
- fair trade
- fair-trading
- fair treatment
- fair warning
- fair weather
- fair-weather
- fair words
- fairer
- fairest
- fairground
- fairhaired
- fairhaireds
- fairier
- fairies
- fairiest
- fairing
- fairish
- fairly
- fairly good
- fairminded
- fairmindedness
- fairness
- fairway
- fairweather
- fairy
- fairy floss
- fairy godmother
- fairy godmothers
- fairy godparent
- fairy ring
- fairy story
- fairy tale
- fairy-tale
- fairyfolk
- fairyland
- fairylike
- fairytale
- far afield
- field
- field day
- field event
- field glasses
- field goal
- field guide
- field headquarters
- field hockey
- field hospital
- field house
- field ice
- field marshal
- field of battle
- field of concentration
- field of honor
- field of view
- field of vision
- field question
- field sport
- field telephone
- field the question
- field trip
- field work
- fielded question
- fielded the question
- fielding
- fielding question
- fielding the question
- fields
- fields question
- fields the question
- financial affairs
- for fair
- give fair warning
- ice field
- illicit love affair
- in left field
- in the field
- killing fields
- laissez-faire
- laissez faire
- laissez faire economic
- laissez faire economics
- landing field
- left-field
- left field
- left fields
- leftfield
- level playing field
- love affair
- magnetic field
- minister of foreign affairs
- not fair
- oilfield
- out in left field
- out left field
- peripheral field
- play fair
- romantic affair
- savoir faire
- savoir-faire
- strawberry fields
- street fair
- take the field
- take the field against
- unfair
- unfairness
- unified field theory
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