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Synonyms for divisive
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : dih-vahy-siv, -vis-iv |
Phonetic Transcription : dɪˈvaɪ sɪv, -ˈvɪs ɪv |
Définition of divisive
Origin :- c.1600, "having a quality of dividing," from Latin divis-, past participle stem of dividere (see divide (v.)) + -ive. Meaning "producing discord" is from 1640s. Related: Divisively; divisiveness.
- adj dissenting
- All these divisive and disintegrating forces were in active operation.
- Extract from : « Expositions of Holy Scripture » by Alexander Maclaren
- Only the last two of these had any lasting importance as divisive issues.
- Extract from : « An American Religious Movement » by Winfred Ernest Douglas
- The divisive force of Protestantism seemed to have spent itself.
- Extract from : « Modern Religious Cults and Movements » by Gaius Glenn Atkins
- Political ideals and customs were also a divisive force in Illinois society.
- Extract from : « Stephen A. Douglas » by Allen Johnson
- Men may believe in human solidarity and in the worth of effort, and yet be following divergent ideals and divisive enthusiasms.
- Extract from : « The Unity of Civilization » by Various
- This he took to himself as criminal, in following these divisive courses, and sought forgiveness.
- Extract from : « Letters of John Calvin, Volume I (of 4) » by Jules Bonnet
- Even those who have abandoned the Hindu faith and professed another, do not leave behind them this divisive spirit.
- Extract from : « India, Its Life and Thought » by John P. Jones
- The nature of the land the Hebrews had occupied helped this divisive tendency.
- Extract from : « A Brief Bible History » by James Oscar Boyd
- In the East it became a divisive issue in 1809, and only a minority adopted it.
- Extract from : « An American Religious Movement » by Winfred Ernest Douglas
- Both opposed the use of unscriptural names as sectarian and divisive.
- Extract from : « An American Religious Movement » by Winfred Ernest Douglas
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