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Synonyms for in dividual
Grammar : Adj, adv, noun |
Spell : in-duh-vij-oo-uh l |
Phonetic Transcription : ˌɪn dəˈvɪdʒ u əl |
Top 10 synonyms for in dividual Other synonyms for the word in dividual
- a cappella
- a couple
- a far cry from
- a few
- a lot
- abandoned
- absolute
- abundant
- accurate
- ace
- actuality
- additional
- affair
- all
- all by one's lonesome
- all manner of
- all-inclusive
- alone
- aloof
- altered
- amount
- amplified
- anarchistic
- animal
- animateness
- animation
- another
- another story
- anthropoid
- anthropological
- anthropomorphic
- anthropomorphous
- antisocial
- antithetic
- antonymous
- any
- apart
- apparatus
- apparent
- arresting
- arrestive
- arrogant
- article
- at length
- at odds
- at variance
- avant-garde
- batching it
- beast
- beat
- behind the scenes
- being
- best
- big shot
- bigwig
- biped
- bipedal
- bird
- bit
- bite
- bloke
- blow-by-blow
- body
- bolt
- brass
- breath
- brother
- brute
- bud
- buddy
- built-in
- bulk
- bull's eye
- business
- by itself/oneself
- by oneself
- case
- case history
- cat
- categorical
- celeb
- central
- certain
- changeable
- changed
- changing
- chap
- character
- characteristic
- chief
- child
- choice
- chum
- circumscribed
- circumstance
- circumstantial
- circumstantiated
- civilized
- clandestine
- clashing
- clean-cut
- clear
- clear-cut
- clocklike
- cloistered
- close to one's chest
- closed
- closet
- cloth
- colorful
- commodity
- companionless
- competent
- complete
- complicated
- component
- comprehensive
- concealed
- conceited
- concept
- concern
- concreteness
- confident
- confidential
- configuration
- congenital
- connate
- conscious thing
- consciousness
- considerable
- considered
- conspicuous
- constituent
- constituents
- constitutional
- continuance
- contradictory
- contradistinct
- contradistinctive
- contrary
- contrasting
- contrastive
- contrivance
- cool
- copious
- copy
- core
- corporeality
- corporeity
- corpus
- correct
- corresponding
- crazy
- creation
- creatural
- creature
- critter
- crop
- cross section
- customer
- cut fine
- cynosure
- dead on
- decisive
- deep-rooted
- deep-seated
- defined
- definite
- definitive
- deliberate
- described
- deserted
- designated
- designful
- desolate
- detached
- detailed
- detectable
- determinate
- developed
- deviating
- device
- diacritic
- diagnostic
- different
- differential
- differentiating
- dignitary
- direct
- disclosed
- discreet
- discrepant
- discrete
- discriminating
- discriminative
- disparate
- dissimilar
- distant
- distinct
- distinctive
- distinguished
- distinguished person
- distinguishing
- disunited
- divergent
- divers
- diverse
- diversified
- doing one's own thing
- dominant
- downright
- drawn fine
- dude
- each
- earmarked
- earthling
- eccentric
- effects
- efficient
- ego
- egocentrism
- egotistic
- elaborate
- elaborated
- element
- elementary
- emblematic
- embodiment
- eminence
- eminent
- emotional
- endemic
- endurance
- entity
- enumerated
- equipment
- eremetic
- esoteric
- especial
- essence
- essential
- ethnologic
- ethological
- everything
- exact
- exceeding
- excellent
- exceptional
- exclusive
- exemplar
- exemplification
- exhausting
- exhaustive
- exhibit
- existence
- existent
- explicit
- express
- expressed
- extraordinary
- eye-catching
- fabric
- face
- fact
- fallible
- famous
- fanciful
- far cry
- far-out
- feller
- fellow
- festive
- figure
- finicky
- first
- fixed
- flat out
- flesh
- flesh and blood
- fleshly
- focal
- force
- forgivable
- forlorn
- form
- forsaken
- fragment
- freakish
- freaky
- free and easy
- friendless
- full
- fundamental
- fussy
- gadget
- gal
- gala
- gear
- genetic
- gentleman
- ghost
- gnarly
- goods
- growth
- gut
- guy
- habiliments
- handful
- hardly any
- haughty
- hermit
- hermitical
- hers
- heterogeneous
- hidden
- his
- hit nail on head
- hominal
- hominid
- hominine
- hominoid
- hot shot
- human
- human being
- humanistic
- humanoid
- hunk
- hush-hush
- hushed
- identical
- identity
- idiosyncratic
- illusory
- illustration
- illustrious
- immanent
- impedimenta
- implement
- implicit
- in solitary
- in the grain
- inborn
- inbred
- inbuilt
- incommensurable
- incomparable
- inconsistent
- indefinite
- independent
- indication
- indicative
- indigenous
- indispensable
- individual
- individualistic
- individuality
- individualization
- individualized
- individualizing
- indivisible
- indwelling
- informal
- information
- infrequent
- ingrained
- ingredient
- inherent
- inherited
- innate
- inner
- inside
- instance
- instinctive
- instrument
- integral
- integrated
- intended
- intentional
- interior
- internal
- intimate
- intricate
- intrinsic
- introspective
- introverted
- intuitive
- inward
- irregular
- isolate
- isolated
- item
- itemized
- its
- joker
- junk
- kinky
- kit
- kooky
- latent
- left
- leftover
- legion
- life
- like night and day
- limited
- literal
- living
- living being
- living soul
- living thing
- local
- lone
- lonely
- loner
- lonesome
- lorn
- lower animal
- luggage
- luminary
- machine
- machinery
- main
- major
- male
- man
- manifold
- many
- many-sided
- march to a different drummer
- marked
- mass
- matchless
- material
- materiality
- materialness
- materiel
- matter
- me and my shadow
- me myself and I
- means
- mechanism
- memorable
- metabolism
- meticulous
- mine
- minute
- misanthropic
- miscellaneous
- mismatched
- mismated
- mixed
- model
- momentous
- monster
- morsel
- mortal
- mortal being
- motley
- multifarious
- multiform
- multitudinal
- multitudinous
- myself
- naked ape
- name
- narcissism
- narrow
- native
- natural
- nice
- nonconformist
- nonobjective
- nonpublic
- nonrepresentative
- normal
- not general
- not many
- not open
- not public
- not similar
- notable
- noteworthy
- noticeable
- novel
- number
- numerous
- object
- objects
- observable
- obvious
- odd
- oddball
- off the beaten track
- off the record
- off the wall
- offbeat
- offish
- omnifarious
- on one's own
- on target
- on the button
- on the money
- on the nose
- once in a lifetime
- one
- one and only
- one by one
- one shot
- oneself
- onliest
- only
- only a few
- only one
- opposed
- opposite
- organism
- original
- other
- otherwise
- out for number one
- out in left field
- out of the ordinary
- out-and-out
- out-of-the-way
- outfit
- outright
- outstanding
- over
- over and above
- own
- owned
- painstaking
- paramount
- paraphernalia
- part
- part and parcel
- particular
- particularized
- party
- pattern
- peculiar
- peerless
- perceivable
- perceptible
- perfect
- person
- personage
- personal
- personality
- personalized
- phantom
- phenomenon
- physical world
- piece
- piece by piece
- plain
- plural
- point
- point-by-point
- pointed
- poles apart
- ponderable
- populous
- portion
- possessions
- precise
- predominant
- preeminent
- prejudiced
- premeditated
- preponderant
- presence
- primary
- principal
- private
- privy
- prominent
- pronounced
- proof
- proper
- proportionate
- proprium
- protoplasm
- psyche
- psychological
- public figure
- quadruped
- quantity
- quite a few
- rare
- reality
- reclusive
- red-letter
- regular
- relevant
- remaining
- remarkable
- remote
- removed
- renowned
- representation
- representative
- repressed
- reserved
- resident
- respective
- restricted
- retired
- right
- right on
- rigid
- rigorous
- running in the family
- salient
- sampling
- scant
- scanty
- scarce
- scarcely any
- scrupulous
- secluded
- secret
- segment
- select
- selective
- self
- self-confident
- self-dependent
- self-sufficing
- self-supported
- self-supporting
- self-sustained
- self-sustaining
- selfhood
- sensible
- separate
- separated
- sequestered
- seriatim
- set
- several
- shadow
- shag
- shape
- sign
- signal
- significant
- simple
- single
- single-handedly
- singled-out
- singleton
- singly
- singular
- situation
- small number
- smashing
- smug
- sole
- solely
- solitary
- solo
- some
- somebody
- something
- something else
- sort
- soul
- spare
- sparse
- special
- specialized
- species
- specific
- specified
- specimen
- spirit
- spiritual
- stag
- standoffish
- staple
- star
- startling
- stock
- straight-out
- strange
- strict
- striking
- stringent
- stuff
- subconscious
- subject
- subjective
- subsistence
- substance
- substantiality
- substantive
- sui generis
- sum
- sundry
- superior
- superstar
- supply
- supreme
- surpassing
- surplus
- survival
- symbiosis
- symbolic
- symptomatic
- tackle
- textile
- texture
- theirs
- thing
- things
- thorough
- tool
- top dog
- topical
- trappings
- traveling light
- type
- typical
- typification
- umbra
- unaccompanied
- unaided
- unalienable
- unalike
- unalloyed
- unambiguous
- unapproachable
- unassisted
- unassociated
- unattached
- unattended
- unblended
- unceremonious
- uncommon
- uncompanionable
- uncompounded
- unconditional
- unconsumed
- unconventional
- uncustomary
- under one's hat
- undivided
- unequal
- unequaled
- unequivocal
- unescorted
- unexampled
- unfolded
- unfrequented
- unique
- unit
- unitary
- unlike
- unmarried
- unmistakable
- unmixed
- unobjective
- unofficial
- unorthodox
- unpaired
- unparalleled
- unqualified
- unreal
- unrelated
- unrepeatable
- unrevealed
- unrivaled
- unshared
- unsimilar
- unsocial
- unusual
- upwards of
- uttered
- variant
- varied
- variegated
- variety
- various
- varmint
- very
- very own
- viability
- visceral
- viscerous
- vital spark
- vitality
- voiced
- voluntary
- vulnerabl
- vulnerable
- way-out
- weird
- weirdo
- well-defined
- wicked
- widowed
- wight
- wildlife
- willing
- withdrawn
- without equal
- without exception
- witting
- woman
- word
- worthy
- yours
Définition of in dividual
Origin :- early 15c., "one and indivisible" (with reference to the Trinity), from Medieval Latin individualis, from Latin individuus "indivisible," from in- "not, opposite of" (see in- (1)) + dividuus "divisible," from dividere "divide" (see divide). Not common before c.1600 and the 15c. usage might be isolated. Sense of "single, separate" is 1610s; meaning "intended for one person" is from 1889.
- As in individual : adj distinctive, exclusive
- As in inherent : adj basic, hereditary
- As in inner : adj mental, private
- As in odd : adj single, unmatched; uneven
- As in only : adj singular
- As in own : adj belonging to individual
- As in particular : adj exact, specific
- As in peculiar : adj characteristic, distinguishing
- As in precise : adj exact, accurate
- As in private : adj personal, intimate
- As in respective : adj particular, specific
- As in self-sufficient : adj able to take care of oneself
- As in several : adj assorted, various
- As in signal : adj extraordinary, outstanding
- As in single : adj alone, distinct
- As in singular : adj alone, separate
- As in sole : adj alone, singular
- As in solitary : adj alone, single; unsociable
- As in solo : adj alone
- As in special : adj distinguished, distinctive; important in own way
- As in specific : adj particular, distinguishing
- As in subjective : adj emotional; based on inner experience rather than fact
- As in unaccompanied : adj alone
- As in unconventional : adj very different; odd
- As in unique : adj alone, singular
- As in various : adj miscellaneous, differing
- As in certain : adj referring to a specifically known amount
- As in characteristic : adj typical; distinguishing
- As in distinguishable : adj discernible
- As in hominoid : adj manlike
- As in humanoid : adj manlike
- As in multiform : adj various
- As in polymorphic : adj various
- As in polymorphous : adj various
- As in detailed : adj itemized, particularized
- As in different : adj dissimilar, unlike
- As in different : adj separate, distinct
- As in dissimilar : adj not alike; not capable of comparison
- As in distinct : adj different; unconnected
- As in distinctive : adj different, unique
- As in each : adj every
- As in especial : adj exceptional, particular
- As in alone : adj separate; apart
- As in express : adj certain, precise
- As in human : adj characteristic of people
- As in solitarily : adv alone
- As in individual : noun singular person, thing
- As in life : noun being
- As in material : noun matter, fabric
- As in matter : noun substance
- As in mortal : noun human being
- As in person : noun human being
- As in personage/personality : noun celebrity, notable
- As in sample : noun example, model
- As in something : noun entity
- As in soul : noun being
- As in specimen : noun example, sample
- As in stuff : noun personal belongings
- As in substance : noun entity, element
- As in thing : noun something felt, seen, perceived
- As in being : noun animate object
- As in body : noun human being
- As in self : noun being
- As in existent : noun real thing
- As in creature : noun being, beast
- As in entity : noun object that exists
- As in guy : noun man
- As in human : noun person, homo sapiens
Antonyms for in dividual
- abnormal
- abstract
- accompanied
- acquired
- added
- agreeing
- alike
- ambiguous
- animal
- attached
- atypical
- auxiliary
- being
- brief
- careless
- combined
- common
- commonplace
- compatible
- concept
- connected
- conventional
- correspondent
- cursory
- deadness
- death
- dislike
- disorganization
- double
- doubtful
- doubting
- dubious
- dull
- easy-going
- eccentric
- end
- enemy
- equal
- equivocal
- exterior
- external
- extra
- extrinsic
- false
- faltering
- familiar
- fantasy
- flexible
- foreign
- formal
- fuzzy
- general
- girl
- group
- harmonious
- hate
- hatred
- hazy
- hesitant
- homogeneous
- idea
- immateriality
- immortal
- imperceptible
- imprecise
- improper
- inaccurate
- inanimacy
- inanimate
- incapable
- incidental
- incompetent
- incomplete
- inconspicuous
- incorrect
- indefinite
- indifferent
- indirect
- indistinct
- indistinctive
- inefficient
- inexact
- inexhaustive
- inhuman
- insignificance
- insignificant
- irregular
- joined
- known
- learned
- least
- lenient
- like
- loose
- lowlife
- married
- matched
- meaninglessness
- meditated
- mind
- mingling
- minor
- mixed
- needy
- negligent
- nonchalant
- none
- nonentity
- nonspecific
- normal
- nothing
- nothingness
- objective
- obscure
- obscured
- OK
- one
- open
- ordinary
- other
- outer
- outside
- physical
- plant
- poverty
- public
- questionable
- real
- regular
- related
- resembling
- revealed
- same
- secondary
- shared
- similar
- simple
- slipshod
- slow
- sociable
- sparing
- spirit
- standard
- superficial
- thought
- together
- tolerant
- trite
- unable
- unbiased
- uncertain
- uncharacteristic
- unclear
- uncommon
- uncomplicated
- unconcealed
- unconfident
- undecided
- undefined
- undemanding
- undetailed
- undiscriminating
- undistinguished
- unemotional
- unexceptional
- unfixed
- unified
- uniform
- unimportant
- unimpressive
- united
- unlimited
- unmanly
- unnoteworthy
- unnoticeable
- unpredictable
- unprejudiced
- unreliable
- unrestricted
- unspecific
- unsuitable
- unsure
- untypical
- unusual
- unvaried
- unwilling
- usual
- vague
- wed
- wedded
- whole
- worst
- yielding
- zero
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019