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Synonyms for cyclotron
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : sahy-kluh-tron, sik-luh- |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈsaɪ kləˌtrɒn, ˈsɪk lə- |
Définition of cyclotron
Origin :- 1935, from cyclo- + ending from electron.
- As in particle accelerator : noun atom smasher
- Construction on the rest of the cyclotron was resumed in 1945.
- Extract from : « LRL Accelerators » by Lawrence Radiation Laboratory
- After the bombardment is completed the target is removed from the cyclotron.
- Extract from : « LRL Accelerators » by Lawrence Radiation Laboratory
- It may be interesting to note that the π0 meson was discovered with this cyclotron in 1950.
- Extract from : « LRL Accelerators » by Lawrence Radiation Laboratory
- However, Professor Lawrence hoped to reach 100 Mev with the new 184-inch cyclotron.
- Extract from : « LRL Accelerators » by Lawrence Radiation Laboratory
- This tuned circuit, which is called the cyclotron resonator, is shown in Fig. 6.
- Extract from : « LRL Accelerators » by Lawrence Radiation Laboratory
- Element 43 was "made" for the first time as a result of bombarding molybdenum with deuterons in the Berkeley cyclotron.
- Extract from : « A Brief History of Element Discovery, Synthesis, and Analysis » by Glen W. Watson
- Finally they strike a target inserted into their path or are extracted from the cyclotron for use as an external beam.
- Extract from : « LRL Accelerators » by Lawrence Radiation Laboratory
- Ions above the midplane of the cyclotron are directed downward; those below the midplane are directed upward.
- Extract from : « LRL Accelerators » by Lawrence Radiation Laboratory
- What the regenerator does is perturb the magnetic field of the cyclotron at one radial position.
- Extract from : « LRL Accelerators » by Lawrence Radiation Laboratory
- The answer to this question, among others, is being sought by physicists using the 184-inch cyclotron.
- Extract from : « LRL Accelerators » by Lawrence Radiation Laboratory
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