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Synonyms for cyclic
Grammar : Adj |
Spell : sahy-klik, sik-lik |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈsaɪ klɪk, ˈsɪk lɪk |
Définition of cyclic
Origin :- 1794, from French cyclique (16c.), from Latin cyclicus, from Greek kyklikos "moving in a circle," from kyklos (see cycle (n.)).
- adj recurrent
- There is clearly some cyclic factor in the situation which we do not yet understand.
- Extract from : « The Economic Aspect of Geology » by C. K. Leith
- Again some cyclic factor in the situation remains to be worked out.
- Extract from : « The Economic Aspect of Geology » by C. K. Leith
- Another fact strikes the observer: the cyclic march of evolution.
- Extract from : « Reincarnation » by Th. Pascal
- But we now see it was beyond any doubt part of a cyclic work.
- Extract from : « The Legend of Sir Lancelot du Lac » by Jessie L. Weston
- The Cyclic poems are certainly the production of a late and changed age?
- Extract from : « Homer and His Age » by Andrew Lang
- It is admitted that the poets did not in the same way "expurgate" the "Cyclic" epics.
- Extract from : « The World of Homer » by Andrew Lang
- Let others try to reconcile the Cyclic fragments, or vindicate the Catalogue of ships.
- Extract from : « Hypatia » by Charles Kingsley
- In the latter case the motion is said to be cyclic, in the former acyclic.
- Extract from : « Lord Kelvin » by Andrew Gray
- The atmospheric changes may have been either progressive or cyclic, or both.
- Extract from : « Climatic Changes » by Ellsworth Huntington
- It is in the Cyclic poems that we should naturally seek for materials to enlarge, expound, or correct Homer.
- Extract from : « Studies on Homer and the Homeric Age, Vol. 1 of 3 » by W. E. Gladstone
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