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Synonyms for constricted vision
Grammar : Noun |
Top 10 synonyms for constricted vision
Définition of constricted vision
- As in tunnel vision : noun blind spot
Words or expressions associated with your search
- after consideration
- age consent
- age of consent
- all-consuming
- all consuming
- all things considered
- bad conscience
- be a consequence
- be conscientious
- be conscious of
- be consequence
- be consequent
- be consistent
- be consonant
- be consonant with
- be conspicuous
- be constant
- be consumed with desire
- be of consequence
- chains constraint
- chief constituent
- clear conscience
- cockpit console
- consanguinity
- conscience
- conscience-stricken
- conscientious
- conscientious objector
- conscientiously
- conscious
- consciousness
- conscript
- conscripted
- consecrate
- consecrated
- consecration
- consecutive
- consent
- consent to
- consenting
- consequent
- consequential
- conservation area
- conservationist
- conservative
- conservative faction
- conservative group
- conservator
- conservatory
- conserve
- conserver
- conserving
- consider
- consider again
- considerable
- considerably
- considerate
- considerately
- considerateness
- consideration
- considerations
- considered
- considering
- consign
- consigned
- consigned to oblivion
- consignment
- consist
- consist of
- consistency
- consistent
- consistently
- consolation
- console
- consoler
- consolidate
- consolidated
- consolidation
- consoling
- consonant
- consonantly
- consort with
- consortium
- conspicuous
- conspicuously
- conspiracy
- conspirator
- conspire
- conspired
- conspiring
- constable
- constabulary
- constancy
- constant
- constantly
- constate
- constellation
- consternation
- constipated
- constituency
- constituent
- constituents
- constitute
- constitution
- constitutional
- constitutional freedom
- constitutional monarchy
- constitutional rights
- constitutive
- constrain
- constrained
- constraining
- constraint
- constrict
- constricted
- constricted vision
- constriction
- constrictions
- construct
- constructed
- construction
- constructive
- constructor
- construe
- consuetude
- consul
- consular service
- consulate
- consult
- consultation
- consulted
- consume
- consume time
- consumed
- consumer
- consumer price index
- consuming
- consummate
- consummated
- consummation
- consumption
- consumptive
- court of conscience
- deconsecrated
- deconstruct
- deconstructed
- deconstructionist
- disconsolate
- disconsolation
- energy-consuming
- enter into consideration
- gain consciousness
- gave consent
- gave one consent
- gave one's consent
- gave ones consent
- icons
- ill considered
- ill-considered
- illconsidered
- in all conscience
- in consequence
- in consequence of
- in consequences
- in consequent
- in consequential
- in consequentialities
- in consequentialness
- in consequentialnesses
- in considerable
- in considerate
- in considerateness
- in consideration
- in consideration of
- in considerations
- in consistencies
- in consistency
- in consistent
- in consolable
- in consonance
- in consonance with
- in consonances
- in conspicuous
- in conspicuously
- in constant
- in constantly
- in consummation
- inconscient
- inconscious
- inconsequent
- inconsequential
- inconsiderable
- inconsiderably
- inconsiderate
- inconsistency
- inconsistent
- inconsolable
- inconsonant
- inconspicuous
- inconspicuously
- inconspicuousness
- inconstancy
- inconstant
- knock unconscious
- make consistent
- makes consistent
- misconstrual
- misconstrue
- mutual consultation
- nature conservancy land
- non consent
- non-consent
- non-consents
- non consents
- non-mortgage consumer debt
- nonconsent
- nonconsents
- not consider
- not considered
- not considering
- not considers
- not under consideration
- of consequence
- of great consequence
- of no consequence
- offer consolation
- offers consolation
- open for consideration
- pangs of conscience
- PR consultant
- public relations consultant
- queen consort
- re-consider
- re consider
- re consideration
- re-considered
- re considered
- re-considering
- re considering
- re-considers
- re considers
- re-constitute
- re constitute
- re construct
- re constructed
- re-constructed
- re constructing
- re-constructing
- re construction
- re-construction
- re constructions
- re-constructions
- re constructs
- re-constructs
- reconsider
- reconsideration
- reconstitute
- reconstruct
- Reconstruction Era
- reconstructive surgery
- self-conscious
- show consideration
- stab of conscience
- stop to consider
- take in to consideration
- take into consideration
- take the consequences
- take under consideration
- takes in to consideration
- takes into consideration
- taking in to consideration
- taking into consideration
- ultra-conservative
- ultra-conservatives
- ultra conservatives
- ultraconservative
- unconscious
- unconsciousness
- unconsecrated
- unconsiderate
- unconsidered
- unconstrained
- unconstraint
- under construction
- unreconstructed
- was consequence
- was consistent with
- was constant
- was consumed with desire
- 20 20 vision
- 20/20 vision
- 20 20 visions
- 2020 visions
- achromatic vision
- advising
- advising against
- become invisible
- cable-television
- cable television
- cablevision
- cell-division
- cell division
- cellular division
- color vision deficiency
- community antenna television
- de vising
- de-vising
- dichromatic vision
- division
- division championship
- divisions
- divisive
- divisiveness
- educational television
- envisage/envision
- envision
- envisioned
- envisioning
- envisionings
- envisions
- extraterrestrial visitor
- field of vision
- gender roles gender revisionism
- haddest a vision
- haddest vision
- has vision
- have a vision
- have visitors
- improvising
- in divisible
- indivisible
- invisibility
- invisible
- invisibly
- lay in provisions
- laying in provisions
- lays in provisions
- make no provision
- make provision
- make provision for
- make visible
- makes no provision
- making no provision
- more visible
- night vision
- noncommercial television
- noncommercial televisions
- normal vision
- not visibly
- paid a visit to
- paid visit to
- pay a visit to
- pay-television
- pay television
- pay visit to
- payed a visit to
- paying a visit to
- paying visit to
- pays a visit to
- pays visit to
- perfect vision
- peripheral vision
- prevision
- provision
- provisional
- provisioning
- provisions
- public television
- re vising
- re vision
- re visions
- re visit
- re visiting
- re visits
- revisionism
- revisionist
- subscription television
- supervision
- tele vising
- tele-vising
- tele-vision
- tele-visions
- tele visions
- television
- television broadcast
- television evangelist
- television preacher
- television receiver
- television room
- television set
- television viewer
- tunnel vision
- twenty-twenty vision
- visibility zero-zero
- visible
- visible evidence
- visible spectrum
- vision
- visionaries
- visionary
- visions
- visit
- visit from stork
- visit from the stork
- visitation
- visitation of the sick
- visitor
- visitor from another planet
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Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019