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Synonyms for came round
Grammar : Verb |
Spell : kuhm |
Phonetic Transcription : kʌm |
Définition of came round
Origin :- Old English cuman "come, approach, land; come to oneself, recover; arrive; assemble" (class IV strong verb; past tense cuom, com, past participle cumen), from Proto-Germanic *kwem- (cf. Old Saxon cuman, Old Frisian kuma, Middle Dutch comen, Dutch komen, Old High German queman, German kommen, Old Norse koma, Gothic qiman), from PIE root *gwa-, *gwem- "to go, come" (cf. Sanskrit gamati "he goes," Avestan jamaiti "goes," Tocharian kakmu "come," Lithuanian gemu "to be born," Greek bainein "to go, walk, step," Latin venire "to come").
- The substitution of Middle English -o- for Old English -u- before -m-, -n-, or -r- was a scribal habit before minims to avoid misreading the letters in the old style handwriting, which jammed letters. The practice similarly transformed some, monk, tongue, worm. Modern past tense form came is Middle English, probably from Old Norse kvam, replacing Old English cuom.
- Remarkably productive with prepositions (NTC's "Dictionary of Phrasal Verbs" lists 198 combinations); consider the varied senses in come to "regain consciousness," come over "possess" (as an emotion), come at "attack," come on (interj.) "be serious," and come off "occur." For sexual senses, see cum.
- As in get over : verb recover
- She came round and showed me a bundle she had in her hand, and said she must be going now.
- Extract from : « The Green Satin Gown » by Laura E. Richards
- Wentworth sprang to his feet and came round to where she sat.
- Extract from : « A Woman Intervenes » by Robert Barr
- He wished to see who the woman was that came round every day with food.
- Extract from : « Aino Folk-Tales » by Basil Hall Chamberlain
- Of a sudden she asked Gervaise what she would do if Lantier came round here.
- Extract from : « L'Assommoir » by Emile Zola
- He came round to that as the concluding exhibition in his performance.
- Extract from : « The Captain of the Pole-Star and Other Tales » by Arthur Conan Doyle
- Harold came round the corner like a bison pursued by Indians.
- Extract from : « The Golden Age » by Kenneth Grahame
- Worth gave them one quick glance, then came round to me with a smile.
- Extract from : « The Million-Dollar Suitcase » by Alice MacGowan
- Langford came round the side of the building with fresh ropes.
- Extract from : « The Spoilers of the Valley » by Robert Watson
- Time went on, and the day arranged for the migration to London came round.
- Extract from : « Is He Popenjoy? » by Anthony Trollope
- Elsa came round to the side of the cot where Roger could see her.
- Extract from : « The Forbidden Trail » by Honor Willsie
Words or expressions associated with your search
- aground
- all around
- all-around
- all-round
- all round
- around
- around the bend
- around-the-clock
- background
- background material
- background music
- backgrounds
- bat around
- bat it around
- battleground
- be came
- beat around bush
- beat around the bush
- been around
- been around twice
- boss around
- bum around
- came
- came a close
- came a conclusion
- came a halt
- came a point
- came across
- came after
- came again
- came age
- came along
- came an agreement
- came an end
- came an understanding
- came and go
- came apart
- came apart at the seams
- came around
- came at from all sides
- came at from sides
- came back
- came be
- came board
- came by
- came close
- came down
- came down hard on
- came down with
- came end
- came first
- came from
- came from all sides
- came from sides
- came go
- came halt
- came hither
- came home
- came in to
- came in to existence
- came in to possession
- came in to view
- came into
- came into being
- came into existence
- came into possession
- came into view
- came know
- came life
- came light
- came mind
- came near
- came next
- came nothing
- came of age
- came off
- came on
- came on board
- came on like
- came on strong
- came on the scene
- came on to
- came one
- came out
- came out on top
- came out top
- came out with
- came over
- came pass
- came rescue
- came round
- came scene
- came short
- came strong
- came terms
- came the end
- came through
- came to
- came to a close
- came to a conclusion
- came to a halt
- came to a head
- came to a point
- came to an end
- came to an understanding
- came to be
- came to close
- came to conclusion
- came to end
- came to grips with
- came to halt
- came to hasty conclusion
- came to know
- came to life
- came to light
- came to mind
- came to nothing
- came to one
- came to pass
- came to point
- came to rescue
- came to terms
- came to the end
- came to the point
- came to understanding
- came together
- came understanding
- came undone
- came up
- came up against
- came up on
- came up short
- came up to
- came up with
- came upon
- came with
- camel
- camel train
- cameo
- camer
- camera-eye
- camera-eyen
- camera eyen
- camera-eyes
- camera eyes
- camera eyne
- camera-eyne
- cameraeyen
- cameraeyes
- cameraeyne
- cameraperson
- camest
- campground
- come around
- cover ground
- dance around
- dance around an issue
- dance around issue
- danced around an issue
- danced around issue
- dances around an issue
- dances around issue
- dancing around an issue
- dancing around issue
- dangerous ground
- distance around
- dumping ground
- ear to the ground
- fairground
- feel around
- feeling around
- fiddle around
- fiddled around
- fiddles around
- fiddling around
- final battleground
- find middle ground
- find the middle ground
- finding middle ground
- finds the middle ground
- fool around
- fooling around
- foreground
- funerary grounds
- futz around
- futzing around
- gain ground
- gaining ground
- gang around
- gat around
- get around
- gets around
- getting around
- give ground
- give run around
- give the runaround
- go around
- go around together
- go around with
- go round
- go underground
- going around
- green around gills
- green around the gills
- ground
- ground clouds
- ground cover
- ground-effect machine
- ground fine
- ground fog
- ground plan
- ground swell
- ground zero
- groundbreaking
- grounded
- grounding
- groundless
- grounds
- groundward
- groundwork
- hang about/hang around/hang out
- hang around
- hang around with
- hanged around
- hanging around
- hangs around
- horse around
- in a predicament
- in a roundabout way
- in background
- in camera
- in on the ground floor
- in the background
- in the foreground
- jerk around
- just around corner
- just around the corner
- kibitz around
- kibitzed around
- kibitzes around
- kibitzing around
- kick around
- kick ideas around
- kicking around
- kicking arounds
- kid around
- kidding around
- kidding arounds
- kids around
- knock about/knock around
- knock around
- knock around with
- knocked around with
- knocking around with
- knocks around
- knocks around with
- laid groundwork
- laid the groundwork
- last roundup
- lay groundwork
- lay the groundwork
- laying groundwork
- laying the groundwork
- lays groundwork
- lays the groundwork
- long way around
- lose ground
- made rounds
- made the rounds
- make rounds
- make the rounds
- makes rounds
- makes the rounds
- making rounds
- making the rounds
- medicament
- merry-go-round
- mess around
- messing around
- middle-ground
- mill around
- monkey around
- muck around
- natural surrounding
- natural surroundings
- neutral ground
- noodle around
- noodled around
- noodles around
- nose around
- nosing around
- on grounds that
- on slippery ground
- on the grounds
- on the grounds that
- order around
- pal around
- pal around with
- palled around
- palled around with
- palling around
- pals around
- pals around with
- pass around
- play around
- playground
- predicament
- pull around
- push around
- pushing around
- putz around
- putzed around
- putzes around
- putzing around
- rally round
- ran aground
- ran around
- ran in to the ground
- rising ground
- round
- round-about
- round out
- round robin
- round the bend
- round-the-clock
- round trip
- round up
- roundabout way
- rounded
- roundly
- run aground
- run around
- run around with
- run circles around
- run into the ground
- run rings around
- runaround
- scratch around
- scrounge
- scrounge around
- scrounger
- show around
- sit around
- stamping ground
- step around
- stick around
- stomping ground
- surround
- surrounded
- surrounded by
- surroundings
- testing ground
- the other way around
- throw weight around
- toss around
- trounce
- trouncing
- turn-around collar
- turnaround
- underground
- underground activity
- vantage ground
- video camera
- wait around
- waited around
- well-grounded
- winding around
- wrapped around finger
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Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019