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Synonyms for mess around

Grammar : Verb
Spell : mes
Phonetic Transcription : mɛs

Top 10 synonyms for mess around Other synonyms for the word mess around

Définition of mess around

Origin :
  • c.1300, "food for one meal, pottage," from Old French mes "portion of food, course at dinner," from Late Latin missus "course at dinner," literally "a placing, a putting (on a table, etc.)," from past participle of mittere "to put, place," in classical Latin "to send, let go" (see mission).
  • Meaning "communal eating place" (especially a military one) is first attested 1530s, from earlier sense of "company of persons eating together" (early 15c.), originally a group of four. Sense of "mixed food," especially for animals, (1738) led to contemptuous use for "jumble, mixed mass" (1828) and figurative sense of "state of confusion" (1834), as well as "condition of untidiness" (1851). General use for "a quantity" of anything is attested by 1830. Meaning "excrement" (of animals) is from 1903.
  • verb fiddle; goof off
Example sentences :
  • But I knew you wouldn't, so I just had to mess around by myself.
  • Extract from : « The Swindler and Other Stories » by Ethel M. Dell
  • One hook, the biggest, had caught in a rock lining the gully, and the ropes were in a mess around the wheels and the rear axle.
  • Extract from : « The Rover Boys in the Air » by Edward Stratemeyer
  • I always loved to mess around a campfire, and Uncle Peter proved a most delightful companion.
  • Extract from : « At Boarding School with the Tucker Twins » by Nell Speed
  • I intend to mess around myself, and change my mind every other day about all sorts of things.
  • Extract from : « An Alabaster Box » by Mary E. Wilkins Freeman and Florence Morse Kingsley
  • And the last thing we need to do is mess around with Social Security.
  • Extract from : « Complete State of the Union Addresses from 1790 to 2006 » by Various

Antonyms for mess around

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