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Synonyms for alcove
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : al-kohv |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈæl koʊv |
Définition of alcove
Origin :- 1670s, "vaulted recess," from French alcôve (17c.), from Spanish alcoba, from Arabic al-qobbah "the vaulted chamber," from Semitic base q-b-b "to be bent, crooked, vaulted."
- noun nook, secluded spot
- When, at that instant, he saw the curtain of the alcove slightly stirred.
- Extract from : « Night and Morning, Complete » by Edward Bulwer-Lytton
- Dick, spurred by impulse, left his alcove and entered the room.
- Extract from : « The Rock of Chickamauga » by Joseph A. Altsheler
- The alcove grows so hot, too, at night that I shall be obliged to lie on the couch.'
- Extract from : « Abbe Mouret's Transgression » by Emile Zola
- It looked as if she was concealing the thoughts that made her rigid in the darkness of the alcove.
- Extract from : « Therese Raquin » by Emile Zola
- Ben Aboo had tried to follow them, but he had been killed in the alcove of the patio.
- Extract from : « The Scapegoat » by Hall Caine
- When he had gone, she turned to the Cardinal, who stood in the doorway of the alcove.
- Extract from : « The Historical Nights' Entertainment » by Rafael Sabatini
- “An easy penance;” and the Marquise moved smilingly towards the alcove.
- Extract from : « The Bondwoman » by Marah Ellis Ryan
- Mrs. McVeigh arose, and with a slight bow to the dowager, passed into the alcove.
- Extract from : « The Bondwoman » by Marah Ellis Ryan
- The doorway into the alcove bedroom was concealed by a portière.
- Extract from : « An American Suffragette » by Isaac N. Stevens
- We'll have the bottle in the alcove at the head of the stairs.
- Extract from : « The Lure of the Mask » by Harold MacGrath
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