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Synonyms for alcoholism
Grammar : Noun |
Spell : al-kuh-haw-liz-uh m, -ho- |
Phonetic Transcription : ˈæl kə hɔˌlɪz əm, -hɒ- |
Définition of alcoholism
Origin :- "disease of alcohol addiction," 1852, from alcohol + -ism, or else from Modern Latin alcoholismus, coined in 1852 by Swedish professor of medicine Magnus Huss (1807-1890) to mean what we now would call "alcohol poisoning." In earlier times, alcoholism would have been habitual drunkenness or some such term.
- noun alcohol abuse
- Smith, I believe you once proposed to write an article on Climate and Alcoholism.
- Extract from : « The Cruise of the Dry Dock » by T. S. Stribling
- Thus it is not alcoholism or the craving for drink which is inherited.
- Extract from : « The Sexual Question » by August Forel
- Their wives then become martyrs, especially in cases of alcoholism and paranoia.
- Extract from : « The Sexual Question » by August Forel
- He finally decided to send her to an asylum which I superintended, to cure her alcoholism.
- Extract from : « The Sexual Question » by August Forel
- In this family, alcoholism and its blastophthoria played a considerable part.
- Extract from : « The Sexual Question » by August Forel
- The taint of alcoholism was in his blood, and matrimony and parentage were not for him.
- Extract from : « The Missionary » by George Griffith
- And what the hell did you mean by that remark about alcoholism?
- Extract from : « The Altar at Midnight » by Cyril M. Kornbluth
- This is not alcoholism, and cannot be considered a dysgenic factor.
- Extract from : « Woman » by William J. Robinson
- Alcoholism, as a habit, is one of the worst dysgenic factors to reckon with.
- Extract from : « Woman » by William J. Robinson
- Also that alcoholism in the parents conveys a predisposition to the child.
- Extract from : « A Plea for the Criminal » by James Leslie Allan Kayll
Words or expressions associated with your search
- acute alcoholism
- alcohol
- alcohol abuse
- alcohol addiction
- alcohol dependence
- alcohol tax
- alcoholic
- alcoholic abuse
- alcoholic addiction
- alcoholic beverage
- alcoholic drink
- alcoholic liquor
- Alcoholics Anonymous
- alcoholism
- alcoholism abuse
- alcove
- alcoves
- balcony
- chronic alcoholism
- decalcomania
- delirium alcoholicum
- falconer
- falconry
- malconformation
- malcontented
- malcontentment
- malcontents
- not partaking of alcohol
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Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019