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Antonyms for re-lease

Grammar : Noun, verb
Spell : ree-lees
Phonetic Transcription : riˈlis

Definition of re-lease

  • As in liberation : noun freedom
  • As in liberty : noun freedom
  • As in absolution : noun forgiveness
  • As in news : noun information, revelation
  • As in notification : noun announcement
  • As in outlet : noun place or means of escape, release
  • As in pardon : noun forgiveness
  • As in publicity : noun promotion of something, someone
  • As in ransom : noun blackmail money paid for return of possession or person
  • As in receipt : noun acknowledgment of delivery
  • As in release : noun delivery; dispensation
  • As in release : noun publication
  • As in relief : noun remedy, aid; relaxation
  • As in remission : noun acquittal, pardon
  • As in remission : noun pause; lessening
  • As in report : noun account, story
  • As in reprieve : noun relief of blame, responsibility
  • As in rescue : noun saving from danger
  • As in respite : noun pause, suspension in activity
  • As in salvation : noun rescue, saving
  • As in voucher : noun receipt
  • As in exoneration : noun liberation
  • As in bulletin : noun message, notification
  • As in press release : noun information supplied to reporters
  • As in acquittal : noun declaration removing blame
  • As in manumission : noun freedom
  • As in catharsis : noun purging, purification
  • As in condonation : noun pardon
  • As in disengagement : noun detachment
  • As in palliation : noun relief
  • As in promulgation : noun announcement
  • As in reportage : noun reporting news
  • As in tiding : noun news
  • As in compact disc : noun recording of music or speech
  • As in death : noun end of life
  • As in decease : noun death
  • As in deed : noun legal paper assigning property; contract
  • As in deliverance : noun liberation
  • As in delivery : noun giving of freedom
  • As in discharge : noun setting free
  • As in dissolution : noun death; destruction
  • As in edition : noun issue of publication
  • As in emancipation : noun freedom
  • As in escape : noun breaking away; getaway
  • As in exemption : noun freedom from a responsibility
  • As in freedom : noun political independence
  • As in announcement : noun proclamation, declaration
  • As in immunity : noun privilege, exemption
  • As in issue : verb distribute
  • As in issue : verb emit, emerge; come from
  • As in let off : verb make not subject to punishment or action
  • As in let up : verb pause
  • As in liberate : verb give freedom
  • As in loose/loosen : verb set free; unbind
  • As in absolve : verb free from responsibility, duty
  • As in open : verb clear, expose; spread
  • As in pardon : verb forgive
  • As in ransom : verb pay blackmail money for return of possession or person
  • As in redeem : verb free; buy the freedom of
  • As in release : verb let go, let out
  • As in relieve : verb remove blame, responsibility
  • As in relinquish : verb give up, let go
  • As in remit : verb stop, postpone
  • As in rescue : verb save from danger
  • As in rid : verb do away with; free
  • As in bail out : verb help
  • As in slack/slacken : verb do little or nothing; loosen
  • As in spare : verb forgive; have mercy upon
  • As in spell : verb give rest, relief
  • As in undo : verb open
  • As in unfold : verb spread out
  • As in unlock : verb open; solve
  • As in vent : verb let out; express
  • As in give off : verb discharge
  • As in loosen : verb unbind
  • As in parole : verb discharge
  • As in unbuckle : verb unfasten
  • As in unhitch : verb unfasten
  • As in acquit : verb announce removal of blame
  • As in carry : verb broadcast electronically
  • As in unleash : verb let loose
  • As in disburden : verb rid
  • As in disembarrass : verb rid
  • As in disinvolve : verb disentangle
  • As in manumit : verb free
  • As in pink-slip : verb dismiss
  • As in clear : verb liberate; free from uncertainty
  • As in unbind : verb undo
  • As in unclasp : verb undo
  • As in unloose : verb undo
  • As in unloosen : verb undo
  • As in untighten : verb ease
  • As in deliver : verb free, liberate
  • As in deliver : verb discharge, give forth
  • As in discharge : verb set free
  • As in discharge : verb pour forth
  • As in disengage : verb free from connection
  • As in dismiss : verb send away, remove; free
  • As in dispense : verb exempt from responsibility
  • As in drop : verb let go of; fall
  • As in ease : verb alleviate, help
  • As in emancipate : verb set free
  • As in empty : verb remove contents
  • As in allow : verb permit an action
  • As in enfranchise : verb set free
  • As in exculpate : verb forgive
  • As in excuse : verb forgive, absolve; justify
  • As in exempt : verb relieve, absolve
  • As in exonerate : verb excuse, clear of responsibility or blame
  • As in extradite : verb send to another place by force
  • As in extricate : verb get out of a situation; relieve of responsibility
  • As in forgive : verb stop blame and grant pardon
  • As in free : verb liberate, let go
  • As in announce : verb make a proclamation
  • As in give off/give out : verb discharge

Synonyms for re-lease

Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019