Find the synonyms or antonyms of a word
Antonyms for be lied
Grammar : Verb |
Spell : bih-lahy |
Phonetic Transcription : bɪˈlaɪ |
- abet
- accept
- admit
- affirm
- agree
- aid
- allow
- applaud
- approve
- ascend
- assist
- attest
- be forthright
- be honest
- be truthful
- beautify
- brighten
- build
- build up
- clarify
- clean
- clear
- clear up
- commend
- compliment
- concede
- concur
- confirm
- confront
- consent
- continue
- corroborate
- credit
- cure
- decipher
- disclose
- discolor
- divulge
- do
- dull
- enact
- encourage
- endorse
- establish
- esteem
- exalt
- explain
- explicate
- expose
- face
- fix
- flatter
- glorify
- go along
- harmonize
- heal
- help
- hide
- honor
- hurt
- illuminate
- implode
- impress
- improve
- increase
- institute
- keep
- laud
- lay bare
- lay out
- leave alone
- legalize
- let out
- lighten
- loose
- meet
- mend
- misinform
- OK
- open
- order
- organize
- pale
- permit
- please
- praise
- preserve
- pronounce
- prove
- purify
- ratify
- reconcile
- remain
- represent
- respect
- reveal
- rise
- sanction
- save
- shape nicely
- show
- sign
- smooth
- start
- stay
- straight
- straighten
- strengthen
- strip
- support
- tell
- tell truth
- translate
- uncover
- uncurl
- unmask
- unscramble
- untwist
- uphold
- validate
- verify
- vouch
- whiten
Definition of be lied
Origin :- Old English beleogan "to deceive by lies," from be- + lie (v.1) "to lie, tell lies." Current sense of "to contradict as a lie" is first recorded 1640s. The other verb lie once also had a formation like this, from Old English belicgan, which meant "to encompass, beleaguer," and in Middle English was a euphemism for "to have sex with" (i.e. "to lie with carnally").
- As in misrepresent/misquote : verb lie, distort
- As in mock : verb deceive
- As in negate : verb contradict, countermand
- As in obscure : verb conceal, hide
- As in prevaricate : verb deceive; stretch the truth
- As in slander : verb make a scandalous remark
- As in twist : verb misrepresent
- As in belie : verb disprove
- As in belie : verb deceive
- As in misrepresent : verb lie
- As in scandalize : verb calumniate
- As in color : verb distort, exaggerate
- As in contradict : verb be at variance with
- As in defame : verb inflict libel or slander
- As in disguise : verb mask; misrepresent
- As in disprove : verb prove false
- As in distort : verb deform; falsify
- As in explode : verb discredit
- As in falsify : verb alter, misrepresent
- As in garble : verb mix up, misrepresent
- As in gloss : verb conceal truth
Synonyms for be lied
- abate
- abolish
- abrogate
- adulterate
- adumbrate
- affect
- age
- alter
- angle
- annihilate
- annul
- antique
- asperse
- assail
- assume
- attack
- backbite
- bad-mouth
- beard
- beat around the bush
- becloud
- bedim
- befog
- beg the question
- beguile
- belie
- belittle
- bend
- besmirch
- betray
- bias
- blackball
- blacken
- blacken name
- blackguard
- blarney
- blaspheme
- blear
- blind
- blister
- block
- block out
- blot
- blow sky high
- blow smoke
- blow up
- blur
- break
- break with
- buck
- buckle
- build up
- call in question
- calumniate
- camouflage
- cancel
- cancel out
- cast a slur on
- cast aspersions on
- cast slur on
- cavil
- challenge
- change
- cheat
- cheese
- cloak
- cloud
- cloud the issue
- collapse
- color
- con
- conceal
- condemn
- confound
- confront
- confuse
- confute
- contort
- contradict
- contravene
- controvert
- cook
- cook up
- corrupt
- counter
- counteract
- countercheck
- counterfeit
- cover
- cover up
- cross
- crush
- curse
- curve
- damage
- dare
- darken
- deacon
- debunk
- deceive
- decline
- decry
- defame
- defeat
- defile
- deflate
- defy
- delude
- denigrate
- deny
- deprecate
- depreciate
- derogate
- deteriorate
- detract
- deviate
- differ
- dim
- ding
- disaffirm
- disagree
- disallow
- disappoint
- discard
- disclaim
- disconfirm
- discredit
- disfigure
- disgrace
- disguise
- disgust
- dishonor
- disparage
- disprove
- dispute
- dissemble
- dissimulate
- distort
- do a number on
- doctor
- doctor up
- dodge
- double-cross
- double-talk
- dress
- dress up
- dump
- dupe
- eclipse
- elude
- embarrass
- embellish
- embroider
- equivocate
- evade
- exaggerate
- explain
- explode
- expose
- extenuate
- fabricate
- fake
- fake it
- falsify
- feign
- fib
- find unfounded
- fly in the face of
- fog
- foil
- fool
- forge
- four-flush
- frame up
- front
- frustrate
- fudge
- fuzz
- gainsay
- garble
- give a bad name
- give snow job
- give the lie to
- gloom
- gloss
- gloss over
- gnarl
- gray
- have bone to pick
- haze
- hedge
- hide
- hit
- hurt
- impugn
- injure
- invalidate
- invent
- jive
- juggle
- jumble
- justify
- kill
- knock
- knock bottom out of
- knock props out
- knot
- lampoon
- let down
- libel
- lie
- magnify
- make like
- make out like
- make up
- malign
- mangle
- mask
- masquerade
- melt
- miscolor
- misconstrue
- misinterpret
- mislead
- misquote
- misreport
- misrepresent
- misshape
- misspeak
- misstate
- mist
- muckrake
- muddy
- muddy the waters
- muffle
- murk
- mutilate
- negate
- negative
- neutralize
- nullify
- obfuscate
- obscure
- offend
- oppose
- outrage
- overcast
- overcloud
- overdraw
- overshadow
- overstate
- overthrow
- overturn
- pad
- palliate
- palter
- pan
- pervert
- pettifog
- phony up
- pirate
- plaster
- poke holes in
- prejudice
- pretend
- prevaricate
- promote
- puff
- puncture
- put down
- put on
- put on a false front
- put on a front
- put on an act
- put one on
- put up a front
- put zingers on
- quash
- quibble
- rationalize
- rebut
- redo
- redress
- refuse to accept
- refute
- repeal
- repudiate
- rescind
- retract
- reverse
- revile
- revoke
- roast
- run smear campaign
- sag
- salt
- scam
- scandalize
- scorch
- screen
- secrete
- sell out
- set aside
- shade
- shadow
- sham
- shift
- shock
- shoot
- shoot down
- shoot full of holes
- shoot holes in
- shroud
- shuffle
- simulate
- skew
- slam
- slander
- slant
- sling mud
- slump
- slur
- smear
- smirch
- smooth over
- sneer
- snow
- soft-pedal
- speak evil of
- spread it on
- stigmatize
- stonewall
- stretch
- strumpet
- sugarcoat
- sully
- taint
- take on
- take out of context
- tamper with
- tarnish
- tear down
- tergiversate
- throw a curve
- throw mud at
- throw out
- throw up smoke screen
- thumbs down
- thwart
- torture
- touch up
- traduce
- traverse
- trump up
- turn down
- turn thumbs down
- twist
- undo
- varnish
- veil
- veneer
- vilify
- villainize
- vitiate
- vituperate
- void
- warp
- weaken
- wear cheaters
- white
- whiten
- whitewash
- wind
- wrap
- wrench
- writhe
Based on : - - - Random House Unabridged Dictionary, © Random House, Inc. 2019