List of synonyms from "celebrities" to synonyms from "cell animation"
Discover all the synonyms available for the terms celebrity photographer, celestial sphere, celibates, celestially, celestials and many more. Click on one of the words below and go directly to the synonyms associated with it.
- Celebrities
- Celebrity
- Celebrity photographer
- Celebs
- Celerity
- Celestial
- Celestial being
- Celestial body
- Celestial-equator
- Celestial equator
- Celestial guidance
- Celestial navigation
- Celestial object
- Celestial spaces
- Celestial sphere
- Celestial throne
- Celestially
- Celestials
- Celiac
- Celiac muscle
- Celibacy
- Celibate
- Celibates
- Cell animation
Definition of the day : « celestial equator »
- noun imaginary equator in the sky
- Referring to the time when the sun passes the celestial equator.
- Extract from : « The Wonder Island Boys: The Tribesmen » by Roger Finlay
- The celestial equator, like the terrestrial, is 90° from the pole.
- Extract from : « The Royal Observatory Greenwich » by E. Walter (Edwared Walter) Maunder
- Then the zenith would be on the celestial equator and the north and south poles of the heavens would be on the horizon.
- Extract from : « Astronomical Lore in Chaucer » by Florence M. Grimm
- The angle of elevation of the celestial equator to the horizon varies according to the position of the observer.
- Extract from : « Astronomical Lore in Chaucer » by Florence M. Grimm
- When the sun is south of the celestial equator its apparent daily path is the same as it would be for a star so situated.
- Extract from : « Astronomical Lore in Chaucer » by Florence M. Grimm
- The line of intersection will be a great circle of the celestial sphere, called the celestial equator.
- Extract from : « The Popular Science Monthly, August, 1900 » by Various
- The Celestial Equator is a great circle of the sky distant 90 from the poles.
- Extract from : « A Text-Book of Astronomy » by George C. Comstock
- We may remark that the main part of the zodiacal light shifts to the south side of the celestial equator as we cross the line.
- Extract from : « The Andes and the Amazon » by James Orton
- Its plane is inclined about 63 to the celestial equator and its poles lie in the constellations of Coma Berenicis and Cetus.
- Extract from : « Astronomy for Young Folks » by Isabel Martin Lewis
- The celestial equator is the great circle in which the plane of the earth's equator intersects the celestial sphere.
- Extract from : « Astronomy for Young Folks » by Isabel Martin Lewis