Synonyms for celestial equator

Grammar : Noun

Définition of celestial equator

  • noun imaginary equator in the sky
Example sentences :
  • Referring to the time when the sun passes the celestial equator.
  • Extract from : « The Wonder Island Boys: The Tribesmen » by Roger Finlay
  • The celestial equator, like the terrestrial, is 90° from the pole.
  • Extract from : « The Royal Observatory Greenwich » by E. Walter (Edwared Walter) Maunder
  • Then the zenith would be on the celestial equator and the north and south poles of the heavens would be on the horizon.
  • Extract from : « Astronomical Lore in Chaucer » by Florence M. Grimm
  • The angle of elevation of the celestial equator to the horizon varies according to the position of the observer.
  • Extract from : « Astronomical Lore in Chaucer » by Florence M. Grimm
  • When the sun is south of the celestial equator its apparent daily path is the same as it would be for a star so situated.
  • Extract from : « Astronomical Lore in Chaucer » by Florence M. Grimm
  • The line of intersection will be a great circle of the celestial sphere, called the celestial equator.
  • Extract from : « The Popular Science Monthly, August, 1900 » by Various
  • The Celestial Equator is a great circle of the sky distant 90 from the poles.
  • Extract from : « A Text-Book of Astronomy » by George C. Comstock
  • We may remark that the main part of the zodiacal light shifts to the south side of the celestial equator as we cross the line.
  • Extract from : « The Andes and the Amazon » by James Orton
  • Its plane is inclined about 63 to the celestial equator and its poles lie in the constellations of Coma Berenicis and Cetus.
  • Extract from : « Astronomy for Young Folks » by Isabel Martin Lewis
  • The celestial equator is the great circle in which the plane of the earth's equator intersects the celestial sphere.
  • Extract from : « Astronomy for Young Folks » by Isabel Martin Lewis

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